The Professors
131.2 Members of the Faculty
M Allen, PhD
V Bergum, PhD
MA Beswetherick, MSc(A)
PJ Brink, PhD
T Davis, PhD
R Day, PhD
KA Dier, MSc(A)
MR Elliott, PhD
PA Field, PhD
ID Forrest, PhD
P Giovannetti, PhD
G Gray, MSc(N)
B Harrington, MN
M Harrison, PhD
J Hibberd, PhD
JF Kikuchi, PhD
J Lander, PhD
J Mill, PhD
K Moore, PhD
J Morse, PhD
A Neufeld, PhD
AM Pagliaro, MSN
L Reutter, PhD
JC Ross-Kerr, PhD
L Skillen, PhD
SM Stinson, EdD, LLD, OC, AOE
V Strang, PhD
MJ Wood, DrPH
Professor and Dean
A Molzahn, PhD (Administrative Leave)
Professor and Acting Dean
J Profetto-McGrath, PhD
Professor and Acting Vice-Dean
W Duggleby, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean
A Clark, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean
F Myrick, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Dean
S Barton, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Dean
K Kushner, PhD
Associate Professor and Associate Dean
P Paul, PhD
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean
C Ross, PhD
W Austin, PhD
B Cameron, PhD
G Cummings, PhD
J Drummond, PhD
W Duggleby, PhD
C Estabrooks, PhD
K Hegadoren, PhD
L Jensen, PhD
C Norris, PhD
BAC O’Brien, DNS
L Ogilvie, PhD
J Olson, PhD
K Olson, PhD
M Stewart, PhD
B Williams, PhD
D Wilson, PhD
O Yonge, PhD
Associate Professors
C Ceci, PhD
S Conroy, PhD
D Forbes, PhD
G Higginbottom, PhD
P Koop, PhD
G Low, PhD
L Ray, PhD
G Rempel, PhD
S Richter, PhD
D Schopflocher, PhD
S Scott, PhD
D Sellman, PhD
J Spiers, PhD
Assistant Professors
V Caine, PhD
L Cranley, PhD
K Fraser, PhD
K Hunter, PhD
D Kingston, PhD
D Kunyk, PhD
G Lasiuk PhD
B Parke, PhD
N Pitre, PhD
A Santos Salas, PhD
S Slaughter, PhD
L Thirsk, PhD
S Wall. PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
D Jackman, PhD
Faculty Lecturers
L Anderson, MN
N Barnes, MN
M Bazin, MN
P Belanger, MN
W Caplan, MEd
P Castelein, MN
S Chesney-Chauvet, MN
H Dempsey-Simmons, MN
S Di Lallo, MN
C Foster-Boucher, MN
S Gauthier, MEd
B Gibson, BScN, MEd
H Ginther, MN
L Goin, MN
A Gooley, BScN, MSc
J Henson, MN
M Jackson, MN
W Kabotoff, MN
L Kasa, MN
I Kassteen, MN
A Khin, MB, BS
M Kleib, PhD
S Klevgaard, MN
S Laskiwski, MN
B Leddy, MN
H Lee, BScN, MN
P MacDonald, MN
DS MacLennan, MN, NP
K Martin, MN
D McFayden, BScN, MEd
D McIlwraith, MN
M Meardi, BScN, MScHP
S Miller, BScN, MEd
E Mitchell, MN
N Moniz, MN
K Peterson, MN
L Pollard, MN
S Prendergast, MN, NP
A Ranson-Ratusz, PhD
I Rudnisky, BScN, MEd
K Rusk, MN
H Schaefer, MN
A Sculley, MN
J Sebulsky, MN
C Sloboda, MEd
S Sommerfeldt, MN
J Stanton, BScN, MScPH
T Stephen, MN
K Sylte, MN
C Tellier, MN
K Trepanier, MN
D Vanderwell, BScN, MSA
C Wolfe, MN
J Worrell, BScN, MN
Sessional Lecturers
G Barrington-Moss, BScN
H Bauman, BScN
J Best, BScN
A Botis, BScN
L Bourque Bearskin, MN
S Burow, BN
K Cameron, BScN
R Chalus, BScN
R Chase, BScN
K Chiu, BScN
H Correale, BScN, MScCHS
E Cruz, MScN
D Davis, BScN
J Downing, BScN, MSc
B Ducherer, BScN
PJ Eatock, RN BA(HA)
J Elvina, BScN
JL Gibbs, BScN
W Gillespie, MN
S Hoeppner, BScN
R Jorgensen, BScN
T-M Klauwers, BScN
L Lunghamer, BScN
K Lynn, BScN
B MacIntyre, BScN
D McCaskill, MN
S McCracken, BScN
J Michaels, BScN
S Neufeld, PhD
L Palmer-Virgo, MN
T Peddle, BScN
S Poon, BScN
H Quazi, BScN
M Ritchie, BScN
A Sawhney, BScN, MDHA
K Shamblaw, BScN
T Slater, BScN
T Stangeland, BScN
B Steeves, BA (Nursing)
J Woytas, BScN
A Young, BScN
J Babiak, Director, Research Services
S Kavanagh, Director, Human Resources
I Payne, Student Advisor
J Twidale, Director, Development and Public Relations
G Wacko, Director, Academic Planning
L Youell, Director, Undergraduate Services
U Yusuf, Director, Finance
Additional Members of the Faculty Council
President and Vice-Chancellor
IV Samarasekera, O.C.
F Davoine, PhD (Campus Saint-Jean)
K Jones, PhD (Physical Education)
J Church, PhD (Arts)
C Sturdy, PhD (Science)
A Newton, PhD (Medicine and Dentistry)
C Sadowski, PharmD (Pharmacy)
S King, PhD (Education)
S Warren, PhD (Rehabilitation Medicine)
A Adams, College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
A Vocioni, Registrar’s Office
L Duffley, AHS, Community Health
J Sasaki, University Alumni Association
A Hanrahan, AHS, Public Health
P Lynkowski, RN, AHS, Acute Care
D MacGregor, AHS, Health Professions Strategy and Practice
L Slater, Health Sciences Librarian
Adjunct Faculty
A-M Bostrom, PhD
A Botha, D.Cur
M Cree, PhD
S Dopson, PhD
L Ferguson, PhD
H Goldblatt, PhD
P Hawranik, PhD
A Letendre, PhD
P Marck, PhD
D Milke, PhD
R Purc-Stephenson, PhD
MA Robinson, MSA
A Sales, PhD
S Spencelely, PhD
Clinical Associate Faculty
R Aceron, MN, NP
G Alton, MN
Q Choo, MN
S Elliott, MN
B Hailemariam, MN, NP
D Klemmer, MN, NP
B Launhardt, MN
L Meakins, MN, NP
K Reid, MN, NP
M Reis, MN, NP
K Scherr, MN, NP
S Southon, MN, NP
C Timinski, MN, NP
B Townsend, MSN
Program Chairs of Collaborative Colleges
S Elliott, BSN, MN, Grande Prairie Regional College
B Maron, MSN, Keyano College
Maureen Matejka, RN, MN, Red Deer College