Programs of Study
BScN—Bilingual Program/Baccalauréat ès sciences infirmières (bilingue)
134.6 BScN—Bilingual Program/Baccalauréat ès sciences infirmières (bilingue)
The BScN—Bilingual Program is a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Nursing and Faculté Saint-Jean. This program offers students the opportunity to study nursing in Canada's two official languages. It is designed to:
Respond to a need expressed by students who wish to obtain a bilingual degree in nursing in Alberta. | |
Offer a program that prepares graduates to provide nursing services in both official languages. | |
Offer a program that better prepares graduates to respond to the needs of the French-speaking communities in Western and Northern Canada. |
During their program, students take courses at Faculté Saint-Jean and at the Faculty of Nursing. The total number of nursing courses where the primary language of instruction is French varies from 27 to 47 credits. These courses may include clinical practice in bilingual or francophone settings. In addition, based on academic and clinical performance, and on availability of placements, students may elect to complete all Year 4 requirements at another Canadian university where French is the language of instruction. Based on the same criteria, students may also elect to complete the senior practicum in a bilingual or francophone milieu outside of Edmonton.
The curriculum is designed to be taken over four years. Application for an extension to the program must be submitted to the Student Advisor. With approval, students have six years from the time of admission to complete requirements for this program. | |
Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration. Particular care should be exercised regarding prerequisite courses. Students are responsible for adjustments in registration made necessary by reexamination results. | |
Placements can be made anywhere in the Greater Edmonton area (Devon, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Morinville, St Albert, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain) or as far away as 150 kilometers. For clinical courses delivered in English, required practice placements may be as far as 150 kilometers from Edmonton. For clinical courses delivered in French, required practice placements may be as far as 600 kilometers from Edmonton. Students are responsible for their transportation to practice placements and for the costs of travel and accommodations. | |
Students must purchase a stethoscope, a penlight, a lab coat and a uniform by the beginning of second year. | |
Clinical practice may include shift and weekend rotations. |
Students seeking entry to this program should consult the admissions section for the Faculty of Nursing (§15.11.5). For a detailed program description in French, see §184.13.
134.6.1 Course Sequence
Year 1
Fall Term
ANATE 140 (3)
FRANC 220 (3) or ALS 120 (see Note 1)
MICRE 133 (3)
SOCIE 100(3)
PHYSE 152 (6)
Winter Term
FRANC 221 (3) or ALS 125 (see Note 1)
PSYCE 106 (3)
SC PO 320 (3)
STATQ 151 (3)
FRANC 232 (3) or ALS 130 (
3) (see Note 1)
Year 2 (see Notes 2 and 4)
Fall Term
NURS 305 (4)
PHILE 386 (3)
SC INF 217 (8) (see Note 3)
SC INF 218 (6) (see Note 3)
Winter Term
INT D 410 (3) (10 weeks) (see Note 4)
NURS 215 (3)
NURS 307 (6)
NURS 308 (6)
Year 3 (see Notes 4, 5 and 6)
Fall Term
SC INF 301 (3)/NURS 301 (
3) (see Note 7)
SC INF 309 (6)/NURS 309 (
6) (see Note 7)
SC INF 310 (6)/NURS 310 (
6) (see Note 7)
Winter Term
NURS 407 (6)
NURS 408 (6)
NURS 409 (3)
Year 4 (see Notes 4, 6, 8, and 9)
Fall Term
NURS 405 (6)
SC INF 406 (6)/NURS 406 (
6) (see Note 7)
Elective (3) (see Note 11)
Winter Term
SC INF 494 (3)/NURS 494 (
3) (see Notes 7 and 12)
SC INF 495 (9) (see Note 10)
Notes | |
Assistance is provided by Faculté Saint-Jean to determine, according to previous coursework and admission test in language proficiency, which course is suitable. (see §183.1.2) | |
To proceed to Year 2 students must have passed all Year 1 courses. | |
"SC INF" denotes nursing courses where French is the primary language of instruction. | |
Due to course scheduling conflicts, INT D 410 will be replaced with NURS 498 “Inter-Professional Team Concepts” Parts 1-3 scheduled during Years 2, 3, and 4. Current students should check the Faculty of Nursing website at www.nursing.ualberta.ca for details. | |
To proceed to Year 3 students must have passed all Year 2 courses. | |
Courses may be configured differently depending on clinical placement availability. | |
The Faculty of Nursing will offer this course in French whenever possible. When offered, students in the Billingual Nursing Program must take this course in French. | |
To proceed to Year 4, students must have passed all Year 2 and 3 courses. | |
Based on academic and clinical performance, and on availability of placements, students may elect to complete all Year 4 requirements at another Canadian university where French is the language of instruction. | |
Based on academic and clinical performance, and on availability of placements, students may also elect to complete the senior practicum in a bilingual or francophone milieu outside of Edmonton. | |
The language of instruction of this elective must be French and it is normally taken at Faculté Saint-Jean. | |
To proceed with NURS 494 or SC INF 494 students must have passed all courses of this program except the corequisite SC INF 495. |