(1) | Academic standing is used to determine the eligibility of students to continue or graduate from their programs. The academic standing of all students in the Faculty of Science is assessed annually on the basis of the Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated on all coursework attempted in the Fall/Winter. Spring and Summer work is not included. The assessment of students in BSc Specialization and BSc Honors programs also takes into consideration the minimum course load requirements of the particular program, as well as any specific grade or GPA requirements.
For students in the BSc General program, the Faculty may defer the assessment of academic standing for one Fall/Winter for students who attempt less than 9. In such cases, the academic standing assigned at the last assessment remains in effect until the conclusion of the next Fall/Winter.
(2) | Academic Standing Assessment
a. | First Class Standing, also referred to as the Dean’s Honor Roll, is assigned to students who successfully complete at least 24 and achieve a minimum 3.5 GPA. First class standing is also assigned to students who, as a result of participation in Education Abroad or IIP Work Experience, attend only one term of a Fall/Winter and successfully complete at least 12 with a minimum 3.5 GPA.
| b. | Satisfactory Standing is assigned to students in the BSc General program who achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0. Satisfactory standing is assigned to students in BSc Specialization and BSc Honors programs who meet the minimum continuation requirements for their program, including Fall/Winter GPA, course load and any course specific grade or GPA requirements. (Refer to the specific sections covering each BSc Specialization and BSc Honors program in §193.2 to §194.18.2.)
Students in satisfactory standing may continue in their programs.
| c. | Marginal Standing is assigned to students with a GPA between 1.7 and 1.9 on a minimum 9 attempted. Students meeting these criteria who do not have in their postsecondary education a prior requirement to withdraw, an academic warning, a probation period or their equivalents may be permitted to continue on academic warning in the BSc General program. Students in BSc Honors and BSc Specialization programs who meet the criteria for marginal standing may not continue in their current programs, but must apply to transfer to the BSc General program in order to continue on academic warning.
To clear academic warning and return to satisfactory standing, students must attend the subsequent Fall/Winter and must obtain a minimum 2.0 GPA. Students who fail academic warning are required to withdraw.
Students who have been placed on academic warning and wish to interrupt their studies must obtain the written permission of the Senior Associate Dean prior to August 15 of the year in which marginal standing was assigned. Students who interrupt their studies without permission will need to requalify in order to be considered for future readmission [see §192.3(b.)].
Academic warning may be offered once only. To remain in satisfactory standing students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in all subsequent Fall/Winters. Students with a GPA below 2.0 and who have in their postsecondary education a prior requirement to withdraw, an academic warning, a probation period or their equivalents are required to withdraw.
Academic warning is not offered to Special Students or to students in BSc Specialization and Honors After Degree programs who are upgrading a previous degree with a major in the same discipline. Students in these programs with marginal standing will be required to withdraw.
| d. | Unsatisfactory Standing is assigned to students whose GPA on a minimum 9 is below 1.7. It is also assigned to students with a GPA below 2.0 who have in their postsecondary education a prior requirement to withdraw, an academic warning, a probation period or their equivalents. Students with unsatisfactory standing are required to withdraw.
(3) | Requirement to Withdraw and Readmission
Students who are required to withdraw cannot continue or register in subsequent terms beyond Spring. If they wish to continue studies in the Faculty of Science, they must choose one of the following mutually exclusive options:
a. | Fresh Start Program: is available by recommendation of the Faculty to students whose GPA is between 1. 3 and 1.6 and have taken less than 60 of postsecondary work. Students who been on probation or have more than one requirement to withdraw or their equivalents, or who have been sanctioned for any academic-related disciplinary offence at this University or elsewhere are not eligible for the Fresh Start program. A minimum of 18 with a 2.7 GPA or a minimum of 24 with a 2.0 GPA must be successfully completed in the Fresh Start program to be considered for readmission to the Faculty of Science. The Faculty may also specify course requirements to be fulfilled. Students who successfully complete the Fresh Start program may apply for readmission as transfer students (see §15.15.7).
| b. | Discontinue Studies and Apply for Fall Redmission: Students in the Faculty of Science who are being required to withdraw for the first time in their academic record may elect to discontinue studies for a minimum period of one year and then apply for Fall readmission. Should any coursework be attempted at any institution during this period, the grades may be taken into consideration for readmission purposes, but transfer credit will not be granted.
Students in the Faculty of Science who have failed probation or been twice required to withdraw or equivalent by Faculty of Science standards may discontinue their studies for a period of five years from the date of last attendance and seek consideration for Fall readmission by writing a letter of petition to the Senior Associate Dean. Readmission, if offered, will be on probation, subject to conditions specified by the Senior Associate Dean.
| c. | Requalify: Students who are being required to withdraw for the first time in their academic record may elect to requalify by successfully completing at another postsecondary institution:
i. | 18 of postsecondary courses transferable to the University of Alberta with a minimum GPA of 2.7, or
| ii. | 24 of postsecondary courses transferable to the University of Alberta with a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Students who have been required to withdraw three times or equivalent are ineligible for readmission to the Faculty of Science.
(4) | Probation is granted to students who are required to withdraw and successfully appeal or to students who are readmitted after studies were discontinued for academic reasons. Probation is completed in the BSc General program. When placed on probation, a student must fulfill specific conditions specified by the Senior Associate Dean at the time of readmission. To clear probation and return to satisfactory standing, students must normally successfully complete a minimum of 24 during the Fall/Winter, obtain a minimum 2.0 GPA, and successfully fulfill all other conditions of the probation. Students who fail to satisfy any of the conditions fail Probation, and are required to withdraw without the option of appeal. Students who fail a second period on probation are ineligible for readmission to the Faculty of Science
(1) | Scholarship
The basis for scholarship consideration is passing grades in all courses on load of at least 30.
(2) | First-Class Standing
First-class standing in a given Fall/Winter is awarded to any student who obtains a GPA of not less than 3.5 and successfully completes a minimum of 24 during that Fall/Winter. Students who attend only one term of Fall/Winter as a result of enrolment in ABROD, EXCH or WKEXP are eligible if they successfully complete at least 12 with a minimum GPA of 3.5. This is also referred to as the Dean's Honor Roll.
(1) | Students must provide evidence of a medical condition or similarly compelling circumstance existing at the time of the writing of the final examination; and
(2) | provide evidence that the student’s performance in the final examination was so affected by circumstances as shown in (a) that there was a substantial difference between the final examination results and the term work; and
(3) | excluding the final exam, must have completed at least one-half of the term work.