Academic Regulations
23.7 Graduation
On the recommendation of the faculty councils, degrees are conferred by the Chancellor of the University at a Convocation of the faculty, alumni, graduands, and their guests. Convocations for the conferring of degrees are normally held in early June and mid-November of each year.
Upon completion of all requirements in the program, undergraduate students wishing to receive a University of Alberta degree must apply for graduation on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca) not later than February 1 if they expect to have their degree conferred at the Spring Convocation ceremonies held in June, or not later than September 1 if they expect to have their degree conferred at the Fall Convocation ceremonies held in November. Students registered in programs in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research must also apply for graduation on Bear Tracks (https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca) by the deadline dates specified in the Academic Schedule and should consult §203.10 regarding convocation requirements in graduate programs.
In those cases where more than 12 months have elapsed since the last registration in an undergraduate program in which a student subsequently applies to have a degree conferred, the student will also be required to submit a Graduation Readmission form along with the required application fee, in order for the conferring of the degree to be considered. Similarly, in the case where a student is applying for a degree which differs from the program in which he or she was last or currently registered, a Graduation Readmission form and fee is also required in order for the conferring of the degree to be considered. In both cases, students should note the regulations in §23.1.2 as they will be obligated to meet degree program requirements in effect at the time of readmission or transfer to the new program before the degree will be conferred.