Programs of Study
Complementary Studies Electives
84.6 Complementary Studies Electives
To better understand the role of Engineering within a broader social context, all programs require an element of complementary studies consisting of the humanities, social sciences, arts, management, engineering economics and communications. Aspects of these topics are covered in mandatory courses, but each program contains complementary studies electives so that students may explore areas of particular interest. Notwithstanding this, the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board requires that programs include exposure to the central thought processes of the humanities and social sciences. One Complementary Studies Elective must be taken from List 1, normally in the First Year of the program. Further Complementary Studies Electives must be at the 200-level or above and should be selected from List 2 (see §231 for course descriptions and prerequisites):
List 1 (First year)
ANTHR 101, 110, 150
CLASS 102, 103, 104, 110
ECON 101, 102, 204
ENGL 121, 122, 123, 124, 125*
HIST 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116
LING 100, 101
PHIL 120, 125
POL S 101
SOC 100
*A single
3 ENGL course cannot satisfy both a Complementary Studies Elective and the English Elective requirements.
List 2 (Second and higher years)
ACCTG 300, 311
B LAW 301, 422, 428**, 432
CLASS 254, 255, 294, 376
ECON 204, 281, 282, 355, 365
ENGG 420
ENG M 402, 406
HIST 260, 261, 396, 397, 398
INT D 257, 303
LA ST 210
LING 204, 205
MARK 301
OM 352
PHIL 205, 220, 250, 265, 325, 366, 375, 380
POL S 220, 221, 223, 266
PSYCO 258, 275
R SOC 355, 365
SMO 200, 301
SOC 212, 224, 225, 241, 242, 251, 301
WGS 201
**Not available to Civil (Environmental Engineering Option) students.
A second course from the ITS List (§84.6.1) may be taken as part of List 2. However, a single course cannot be used to satisfy both the ITS and Complementary Studies requirements. This list is updated annually. Courses that teach a language or the application of a particular skill (such as courses in physical education, music and art) do not meet the intent of the Accreditation Board with respect to complementary studies and are therefore not eligible.
84.6.1 Impact of Technology on Society (ITS) Elective
A specific requirement of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board is study of the impact of technology on society. To meet this requirement, students must take one of the following: ENG M 403, 405, HIST 115, 391, HGP 250, INT D 361, PHIL 265, 366, 375, STS 200, SOC 366 or 363.
84.6.2 English Electives
Most engineering programs require a single-term (3-0-0) English course. This is typically ENGL 199, but ENGL 121, 122, 123, 124 and 125 are also acceptable.