Non-Credit Programs
Community Engagement Studies
94.3 Community Engagement Studies
Community Engagement Studies offers a suite of learning opportunities in this emerging field that develop students' knowledge and skills to work effectively for social change. Topics include: managing change; planning, developing, delivering, and evaluating community engagement processes; facilitating stakeholder engagement; and developing effective communication strategies within a cross-cultural environment. For more information visit www.extension.ualberta.ca/study/community-engagement-studies/ or e-mail ces@ualberta.ca or phone (780) 492-7237.
94.3.1 Aboriginal Health Promotion Citation
The Citation in Aboriginal Health Promotion is open to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students pursuing, or interested in: careers within Aboriginal communities, assuming a leadership role in health, education, social services and governance, or building partnerships for health education and research. This citation is comprised of three courses that integrate the knowledge and skills of traditional and western health perspectives in the hopes of increasing relevant, appropriate, and effective health promotion strategies at the grassroots, community level. For more information, phone (780) 492-7237.
94.3.2 Community Engagement Citation
The Citation in Community Engagement provides participants with an overview of the engagement process and essential skills for working with diverse communities. The program is comprised of one 39-hour core course and 70 course hours in electives. Participants will pursue their specific interests through a range of electives available in this and other programs within the Faculty of Extension. For more information visit http://www.extension.ualberta.ca/study/community-engagement-studies/ or e-mail ces@ualberta.ca or phone (780) 492-7237.