(1) | French
Required courses:
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | FREN 297 and 298
| c. | FREN 310
| d. | 9 selected from FREN 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316
| e. | 12 selected from 400-level FREN courses
| f. | 6 selected from ANTHE 207, 208, 365; CA FR 320, 322; FS 309, 362; HIST 305, 306; HISTE 261, 374, 375, 380, 475; SC PO 378
| g. | FREN 495
(2) | German
Honors in German normally requires a minimum of 54 at the senior level in German, of which at least 12 must be at the 400-level.
Required courses are:
a. | GERM 303, 304, 340, 342, 343
| b. | one of GERM 306, 316, or 317
| c. | GERM 495
| d. | MLCS 210
The Department encourages students to consult the Undergraduate Honors Advisor.
| (1) | GERM 303 is the co-requisite for all 300- and 400-level senior-level courses (except those taught in English) or consent of Department; GERM 306 or 316 is the prerequisite for GERM 409 and 417; GERM 306, 316 or 317 is the prerequisite for GERM 416; and GERM 340 or 343 is the prerequisite for all 400-level German literature courses.
| (2) | German-speaking students and students beginning their studies with more than matriculation German may be admitted to courses numbered 303 and above in their first year if they pass a departmental placement test. Such students are required to consult the Department before registration. Also see §42.5(2)e.
| (3) | GERM 495 thesis may be written in either German or English.
| (4) | It is recommended that students wishing to pursue an honors, combined honors or major in German Studies take MLCS 210 by their second year.
(3) | Italian Studies
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with an Italian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(4) | Romance Languages
A total of 72 (including junior courses) in either two or three Romance languages (French, Italian, or Spanish), is required, of which a minimum of 36 must be from one field. No more than 48 may be in any single field. French, Italian, or Spanish may be selected as the principal subject. The second or third subjects may be selected from French, Italian, or Spanish. 18 must be selected for a second subject and 15 must be selected for a third subject. Courses taught in English do not count for the second and third subject areas. MLCS 210 is a required course for all three principal subjects.
a. | If the principal subject is Italian Studies, required courses include:
1) | ITAL 211, 212, 300, 333, 340, 363, 375
| 2) | 6 selected from ITAL 415, 419, 420, 425
| 3) | ITAL 495
| b. | If the principal subject is Spanish, required courses include:
1) | Either SPAN 211 and 212 and 300, or SPAN 306
| 2) | SPAN 320
| 3) | At least 9 in SPAN at the 400-level
| 4) | SPAN 495
Note: 3 in LA ST may be taken.
| c. | If Spanish is the second subject, 18 must be selected in SPAN at the senior level. If Spanish is the third subject, 15 must be selected in SPAN at the senior level.
(5) | Russian
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with a Russian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(6) | Spanish and Latin American Studies
Students are expected to complete a minimum of 51. Required courses include:
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | Either SPAN 211 and 212 and 300, or 306
| c. | SPAN 320
| d. | At least 9 in LA ST
| e. | At least 12 in SPAN at the 400-level
| f. | SPAN 495
Study Abroad at the Universidad de Granada
The Department provides an opportunity for students to spend one or two semesters at the Universidad de Granada in Spain. Students should consult the Granada Program Coordinator regarding transfer credits.
(7) | Ukrainian
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with a Ukrainian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(1) | French
Students may pursue a Combined Honors program in French and another discipline. The minimum requirements for French are
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | FREN 297 and 298
| c. | FREN 254, 301, 310, 371, 372
| d. | 6 selected from FREN 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316
| e. | 9 from 400-level FREN courses
| f. | FREN 495
(2) | German
Students may pursue a Combined Honors program in German and another discipline. At least ( 9 must be selected from 400-level GERM courses).
Required courses are:
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | GERM 303, 304, 340, 342, 343
| c. | one of 306, 316 or 317
| d. | GERM 495 or INT D 520
The Department encourages students to consult the Undergraduate Honors Advisor.
Refer to Notes under §44.20.1(2).
(3) | Italian Studies
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with an Italian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(4) | Russian
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with a Russian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(5) | Scandinavian
Students may pursue a Combined Honors program in Scandinavian and another discipline. For the Scandinavian component, the required courses are the same as for the major in Scandinavian [see §44.20.3(6)]. Note: Completion of an Honors Essay is not normally required in these programs.
(6) | Spanish
Students may pursue a Combined Honors program in Spanish and another discipline. 36 are required, including:
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | Either SPAN 211 and 212 and 300, or 306
| c. | SPAN 320
| d. | At least 9 in SPAN at the 400-level
| e. | SPAN 495
Note: 3 in LA ST may be taken.
(7) | Ukrainian
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with a Ukrainian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(1) | French
A major in French requires a minimum of 33 to a maximum of 48 at the senior level. Courses selected must include
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | FREN 297 and 298
| c. | FREN 310
| d. | 12 selected from FREN 254 and 300-level FREN courses
| e. | 9 selected from 400-level FREN courses
Courses in French (FREN) offered by the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies or Français (FRANC) offered by Faculté Saint-Jean may be applied to a major in French.
(2) | German
A major in German requires a minimum of 33 to a maximum of 48 at the senior level, of which at least 12 must be at the 400-level.
Required courses are:
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | GERM 303, 304, 340, 342, 343
| c. | one of 306, 316 or 317
The Department encourages students to consult the Undergraduate Academic Advisor for German Studies.
Refer to Notes under §44.20.1(2).
(3) | Italian Studies
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with an Italian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(4) | Latin American Studies
A major in Latin American Studies requires a minimum of 36 to a maximum of 48 at the senior level in LA ST or cross-listed Latin American Studies courses and must include at least 9 at the 400-level. Required courses include
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | LA ST 205, 210
| c. | 9 in additional senior-level LA ST courses
| d. | 6 selected from SPAN above 212; PORT 211, 212
| e. | 12 at the senior level in either LA ST or cross-listed Latin American Studies courses
| (1) | A major in Latin American Studies may be combined with a minor in Spanish.
| (2) | See §43.3(5) for regulations concerning cross-listed courses.
| (3) | Cross-listed courses from Faculties other than the Faculty of Arts used towards the requirement for a major or minor in Latin American Studies will be considered Arts courses. In all other instances, these courses will be considered non-Arts or non-Science options [see §§43.2(2)b. and 43.3(8).
| (4) | Variable Content/Selected Topics Courses: Courses with variable content may, on approval of the Spanish & Latin American Studies Advisor, be used for credit when they have appropriate subject matter. Please consult the Spanish & Latin American Studies Advisor and/or the LA ST Course Guide for a current list of approved courses and further details.
(5) | Russian
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with a Russian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(6) | Scandinavian
A major in Scandinavian requires a minimum of 33 to a maximum of 48 at the senior level and must include 6 at the 400-level.
Required courses are DANSK 211 and 212, MLCS 210, or NORW 211 and 212, or SWED 211 and 212 (or equivalent), plus any combination of senior-level courses in Scandinavian (SCAND) and Danish (DANSK), Norwegian (NORW) or Swedish (SWED), which will meet the Faculty minimum.
| (1) | Students may take only one of DANSK, NORW or SWED at the 100-level, and likewise at the 200-level.
| (2) | DANSK 212, NORW 212 or SWED 212 are the prerequisites for all 400-level Scandinavian courses.
| (3) | SCAND 410 is required for all students with a major subject of concentration in Scandinavian and is strongly recommended as prerequisite or corequisite for all students in senior Scandinavian literature courses at the 400-level.
| (4) | Students fluent in one of the Scandinavian languages should consult the Department. In courses where the readings are in the original Scandinavian languages, essays and examinations may generally be written in a Scandinavian language or English, with no reward or penalty to the student for choosing one language over the other. However, those majoring in Scandinavian in the BA programs must write at least one essay in a Scandinavian language in each course.
| (5) | Pursuant to an agreement between the two universities, students majoring in Scandinavian languages and literatures at the University of Alberta may take certain courses in Icelandic language, literature, and culture at the University of Manitoba which are creditable toward their degree. Subject to Faculty regulations, students can therefore study up to three Scandinavian languages and their literature and culture in a BA (Scandinavian).
Students must meet all pertinent Faculty regulations at their home university and the host institution. They should therefore seek early Departmental and Faculty permission when considering participation in the program. A list of courses approved for transfer of credit is available from the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies and the Faculty. Students should be aware that, while the cooperating departments will make every effort to offer all courses as proposed for a given academic year, they reserve the right of cancellation at any time up to the start of classes, should unforeseen circumstances occur.
(7) | Spanish
A major in Spanish requires a minimum of 33 to a maximum of 48 at the senior level. Required courses include:
a. | MLCS 210
| b. | Either SPAN 211 and 212 and 300, or 306
| c. | SPAN 320
| d. | At least 9 in SPAN at the 400-level
Note: 3 in LA ST may be taken.
(8) | Ukrainian
Effective September 2014, there will be no further admission to this major. Students who entered the program prior to September 2014 must complete all program requirements by April 30, 2018. The last degree with a Ukrainian major will be granted at Spring Convocation 2018.
(9) | Combined Languages Majors
See §43.3(7) for regulations applicable to combined language majors.
(1) | Central/East European Studies
A minor in Central/East European Studies requires a minimum 18 to a maximum of 42 as specified below, including at least 6 at the 400-level. Required courses include:
a. | 6 in one language at the 200-level or above, selected from Hungarian, Polish, Russian or Ukrainian
| b. | 6 selected from HIST 312, 316, 317, 318, 319, 322; MLCS 311, 312; POL S 370
| c. | 6 selected from HIST 415, 416, 419; SLAV 467, 468, 469, 499
(1) | For additional courses, students should select from MLCS 471, POL S 486, SLAV 401,499, UKR 410, or from 400-level courses in Polish or Russian or Ukrainian literature, as well as from 400-level History and Slavic courses listed in (c), above.
| (2) | Students already majoring in Polish, Russian or Ukrainian must satisfy requirement (a) by studying a second Slavic language.
| (3) | Students are advised to consult with the Undergraduate Advisors for Polish, Russian or Ukrainian in MLCS before embarking on a Minor in CEES.
(2) | French
A minor in French requires a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level including FREN 310 and at least 6 at the 400-level.
(3) | German
A minor in German requires a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level in German.
Required courses are:
a. | GERM 342, 343
| b. | GERM 340 or 353
| c. | one of 306, 316 or 317
The Department encourages students to consult the Undergraduate Academic Advisor for German Studies.
Refer to Notes in §44.20.1(2).
(4) | Italian Studies
A minor in Italian Studies requires a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level, including at least 6 at the 400-level. Required courses are ITAL 205, 211, 212.
(5) | Latin American Studies
A minor in Latin American Studies requires a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 42 in LA ST or cross-listed Latin American Studies courses at the senior level. Required courses include
a. | LA ST 205, 210
| b. | 12 in additional senior-level LA ST or cross-listed LA ST courses, which must include 3 in LA ST at the 300-level or above and at least an additional 3 in LA ST courses at the 400-level.
| (1) | A minor in Latin American Studies may be combined with a major in Spanish.
| (2) | See §43.3(5) for regulations concerning cross-listed courses.
| (3) | Variable Content/Selected Topics Courses: Courses with variable content may, on approval of the Department Advisor may be used for credit when they have appropriate subject matter. Please consult the Spanish & Latin American Studies Advisor and/or the LA ST Course Guide for a current list of approved courses and further details.
(6) | Polish
A minor in Polish requires a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level, including at least 6 at the 400-level. In addition to POLSH options, students may select from SLAV 467 and 469.
(7) | Russian
A minor in Russian requires a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level, including at least 6 at the 400-level.
(8) | Scandinavian
The Department requires DANSK 211 and 212 or NORW 211 and 212 or SWED 211 and 212 (or equivalent) plus 6 at the 300- or 400-level.
Also see §43.3(4).
(9) | Spanish
A minor in Spanish requires a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level, including 3 at the 400-level.
(10) | Ukrainian
A minor in Ukrainian Culture, Language and Literature emphasizes language proficiency in the cultural context, and requires a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level. Required courses include 3 selected from UKR 400, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 410, 411; and 3 selected from UKR 415, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, SLAV 467, 468, 469.
Students beginning their minor at the 300 level of language proficiency or higher may satisfy their minimum requirements by selecting additional courses from those listed.
A minor in Ukrainian Folklore requires a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 42 at the senior level. Required courses are UKR 324 and 325; 6 selected from UKR 327, 422, 423, 424 425, 426, 427, INT D 439.
(1) | French: Required courses
a. | MLCS 300, 400
| b. | FREN 254, 354, 454
| c. | 6 in FREN at the 300-level in addition to FREN 354
| d. | 6 in FREN at the 400-level in addition to FREN 454
(2) | German: Required courses
a. | MLCS 300, 400
| b. | GERM 342, 443, 444
| c. | 6 in GERM at the 300-level numbered above 304
| d. | 6 in GERM at the 400-level in addition to the 6 listed in b.
The Department encourages students to consult the Undergraduate Academic Advisor for German Studies.
Refer to Notes under §44.20.1(2).
(3) | Spanish: Required courses
a. | MLCS 300, 400
| b. | SPAN 405, 406, 407
| c. | 6 in SPAN at the 300-level
| d. | 6 in SPAN at the 400-level in addition to those listed in b.
(4) | Ukrainian: Required courses
a. | MLCS 300, 400
| b. | UKR 407, 411, 413
| c. | 6 in UKR at the 300-level, selected from language or literature courses taught in Ukrainian
| d. | 6 in UKR at the 400-level, in addition to those listed in b, selected from language or literature courses taught in Ukrainian