Admission to Undergraduate Programs
Residence Requirements
13.2 Residence Requirements
The University of Alberta is committed to admitting highly qualified students from Alberta, Canada and the international community. To meet the needs of the community the University serves, some Faculties have established program enrolment targets regarding the citizenship and residence* of undergraduate students. No non-resident shall be admitted to a Faculty who is less qualified than any Alberta resident who is denied admission to that Faculty.
*A resident of Alberta is defined as a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident (Landed Immigrant) who has been continuously resident in the Province of Alberta, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories or Nunavut for at least one year immediately before the first day of classes of the term for which admission is sought. The one-year residence period shall not be considered broken where the admission committee is satisfied that the applicant was temporarily out of the province on vacation, in short-term employment, or as a full-time student. Applicants on study permit cannot establish residence during a period as a full-time student in an Alberta secondary or postsecondary institution because a stay under study permit is considered to be a visiting period.