Office of the Registrar and Student Awards


Programs by Department

194.3 Cell Biology

194.3.1 Honors in Cell Biology

    Continuation in the Honors in Cell Biology program requires successful completion of at least *24 with a minimum 3.0 GPA in the previous Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 3.0 GPA on all courses credited towards the degree.

Year 1

BIOL 107, 108

CHEM 101, 102

CHEM 164 or 261

MATH 113 or 114

PHYS 124, 126

*6 junior ENGL or *3 junior ENGL and *3 junior WRS

Year 2


BIOL 207

CELL 201 or BIOL 201

CHEM 263



STAT 141 or 151

*3 in an Arts option

*6 in approved options

Year 3

BIOCH 320 or CHEM 371

CELL 300, 301

*6 from Group A Cell Biology options (BIOCH 401 recommended)

*9 in approved options

*6 in Arts options



Cell Biology students should take BIOCH 320 in Winter Term of Year 2 if selecting BIOCH 401 option; BIOCH 330 is not required for Cell Biology students.


CHEM 371 requires MATH 115 to be taken as an approved option in Year 2

Year 4

CELL 499

*3 from a 400-level CELL course

*6 from Group A Cell Biology options

*12 in approved options

*3 in an Arts option



Students are required to consult the Department of Cell Biology for selection and approval of all options.


Students are encouraged to select approved options from the Cell Biology Group A or recommended options list, but may also follow a course of study tailored to their interests (must be approved by a Cell Biology advisor).


Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to BIOL 107, 108, CHEM 101, 102, 164, MATH 114, 115, PHYS 124, 126 and *3 WRS option.

Group A: Cell Biology Options

BIOCH 401, 420, 425, 441, 450, 481, 482

BIOCH 430 or GENET 304

BIOL 421

CELL 310, 398, 402, 405, 410, 415, 425, 445, 498

CHEM 282, 371, 373

GENET 305, 375, 420

IMIN 200, 324, 372, 405, 452

MATH 115

MICRB 316, 470

MMI 391

ONCOL 320, 425

PMCOL 201, 371 or ZOOL 342

ZOOL 303

Cell Biology Recommended Options

BIOCH 310, 320, 330, 410, 455, 460

BIOL 208, 315, 321, 335, 380, 391, 430

BOT 303, 382

GENET 301, 302, 364, 390, 408, 412, 418

IMIN 371, 401, 410

MICRB 311, 410

MMI 351, 352, 405, 415, 426, 427, 445

PHYSL 212, 214, 401

STAT 337

ZOOL 241, 242

194.3.2 Specialization in Cell Biology

    Continuation in the Specialization in Cell Biology program requires successful completion of at least *24 with a minimum 2.3 GPA in the preceding Fall/Winter. In addition, graduation requires a minimum 2.3 GPA on all courses credited towards the degree.

Year 1

BIOL 107, 108

CHEM 101, 102

CHEM 164 or 261

MATH 113 or 114

PHYS 124, 126

*6 junior ENGL or *3 junior ENGL and *3 junior WRS

Year 2


BIOL 207

CELL 201 or BIOL 201

CHEM 263



STAT 141 or 151

*3 in an Arts option

*6 in approved options

Year 3

CELL 300, 301

*3 from BIOCH 310, 320 or 330

*6 from Group A Cell Biology options (BIOCH 401 recommended)

*9 in approved options

*6 in Arts options

    Note: Cell Biology students should take BIOCH 320 in Winter Term of Year 2 if selecting BIOCH 401 option; BIOCH 330 is not required for Cell Biology students.

Year 4

*3 from a 400-level CELL course

*9 from Group A Cell Biology options

*15 in approved options

*3 in an Arts option



Students are required to consult the Department of Cell Biology for selection and approval of all options.


Students are encouraged to select approved options from the Cell Biology Group A or recommended options list, but may also follow a course of study tailored to their interests (must be approved by a Cell Biology advisor).


Credit in SCI 100 will be considered equivalent to BIOL 107, 108, CHEM 101, 102, 164, MATH 114, 115, PHYS 124, 126 and *3 WRS option.

Group A Cell Biology Options:

BIOCH 401, 420, 425, 441, 450, 481, 482

BIOCH 430 or GENET 304

BIOL 421

CELL 310, 398, 402, 405, 410, 415, 425, 445, 498, 499

CHEM 282, 371, 373

GENET 305, 375, 420

IMIN 200, 324, 405, 372, 452

MATH 115

MICRB 316, 470

MMI 391

ONCOL 320, 425

PMCOL 201, 371 or ZOOL 342

ZOOL 303

Cell Biology Recommended Options:

BIOCH 310, 320, 330, 410, 455, 460

BIOL 208, 315, 321, 335, 380, 391, 430

BOT 303, 382

GENET 301, 302, 364, 390, 408, 412, 418

IMIN 371, 401, 410

MICRB 311, 410

MMI 351, 352, 405, 415, 426, 427, 445

PHYSL 212, 214, 401


STAT 337

ZOOL 241, 242

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Welcome from the President


Academic Schedule
 11Major Deadlines from the 2013-2014 Academic Schedule
 11.1Academic Schedule 2013-2014 (monthly listing of academic events on campus)

Undergraduate Application Deadlines for Admission and Readmission

Undergraduate Admission
 13 Admission to Undergraduate Programs
 14General Admission Requirements
 15Admission Requirements by Faculty
 16Admission for International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Students
 17Admission from Outside Alberta

University Regulations and Information for Students
 20General University Policies
 21Classification of Students
 22Registration and Fees
 23Academic Regulations
 24Student Services
 25Code of Student Behaviour
 26Code of Applicant Behaviour

30Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
40Faculty of Arts
50Augustana Faculty
60Faculty of Business
70Faculty of Education
80Faculty of Engineering
90Faculty of Extension
100Faculty of Law
110Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
120Faculty of Native Studies
130Faculty of Nursing
140Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
150Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
160School of Public Health
170Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
180Faculté Saint-Jean
191Faculty of Science

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 200The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 201Members of the Faculty
 202General Information
 203Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
 204Graduate Program Regulations
 205Graduate Programs
 210Graduate Financial Aid

Open Studies

Course Listings
 230Details of Courses
 231Course Listings


General Information
 241University History and Traditions
 242Constitution of the University
 243University Libraries
 244Alumni Association
 245Affiliated Colleges

University Staff
 250Continuing Academic Staff
 252Associate and Adjunct Staff
 253Honorary Degree Recipients