Programs by Department
194.9 Marine Science
Excellent opportunities for the study of marine biology and related subjects exist at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) on Vancouver Island, BC. An academic program operates at the station, with summer and fall programs providing credit toward degrees in Science.
Prerequisite for all the MA SC courses is consent of the Department of Biological Sciences.
Students are expected to take a full course load of
15 during the Fall Term. Courses run Monday to Saturday.
In addition to tuition paid to the University there are room and board fees payable to BMSC. Information concerning course prerequisites and application procedures for Marine Science may be obtained from BMSC, the Department of Biological Sciences or the Office of the Dean of Science. Permission to register in these courses is available from the University Programs Coordinator of the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, to whom application should be made. See BMSC website bms.bc.ca/university.html.
See §231 Course Listings for descriptions of available Marine Science courses.
See also BMSC website bms.bc.ca/university.html for courses offered in the current year.