Graduate Programs
Comparative Literature Program
205.16 Comparative Literature Program
Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
1-17 Humanities Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E5
E-mail: ois@ualberta.ca
205.16.1 General Information
The Comparative Literature Program is an interdisciplinary program in the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies and offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature. The Comparative Literature Program offers an area of specialization in Spanish and Latin American Studies in conjunction with the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies. Entrance requirements, financial assistance and application procedures are through the Comparative Literature Program, Office of Interdisciplinary Studies.
Entrance Requirements
Normally, minimum admission requirements for an MA in Comparative Literature are an undergraduate degree with an average of at least 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate work at the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution. Minimum requirements for a PhD are an MA with an average of at least 3.0 in the last two terms of graduate work. Exceptionally qualified students holding a BA degree can bypass the MA and be admitted directly into a doctoral degree program. In addition to these minimal requirements, a TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 95 (internet-based with at least 20 per section) where applicable is required. (see §203.2.4).
Graduate students in Comparative Literature are required to have one language, other than English, at the MA level and two languages, other than English, at the PhD level. Details regarding language requirements may be obtained by contacting the Graduate Coordinator.
Financial Assistance
Comparative Literature annually provides a number of scholarships or graduate research and teaching assistantships. Scholarships and assistantships will not be offered to any student until the student has been formally admitted to the graduate program. Graduate students are also eligible for various University Fellowships and Bursaries depending on eligibility. For details see www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca.
205.16.2 The Degree of MA in Comparative Literature
Program Requirements
Students admitted to this program are expected to have a minimum of
30 in Comparative Literature, or equivalent courses approved by the Graduate Coordinator, beyond the 100 level in their undergraduate studies.
Students who satisfy this requirement and who wish to complete a thesis-based master's degree will be required to take C LIT 501, 502, 511 and 560. An additional
6 at the graduate level will be determined on an individual basis in conjunction with the Graduate Coordinator in the first year of their studies, and write and defend a thesis in their second year of the program.
Students who satisfy this requirement and who wish to complete a course-based master's degree will be required to take C LIT 501, 502, 511 and 560. An additional
18 at the graduate level will be determined on an individual basis in conjunction with the Graduate Coordinator, i.e., three terms of course work, and complete a capping exercise.
Students admitted with less than the
30 course prerequisite will be required to take up to
27 (thesis-based MA) or
36 (course-based MA). The exact number of extra courses will be determined individually by the graduate committee.
The minimum period of residence for the thesis-based MA is two four-month terms of full-time attendance at the University of Alberta. There is no residence requirement for the course-based MA.
Length of Program
A student's previous background and experience will determine the length of time required to complete an MA.
A candidate for the thesis-based MA, entering from a four-year specialized program and continuing work in the same field, is normally required to complete the equivalent of one calendar year of course work. The normal time of completion for the thesis-based program, including thesis, is two years. The maximum time allowed to complete the thesis-based program is four years. Other candidates are normally required to complete the equivalent of three terms of course work.
A candidate for the course-based MA is normally required to complete the equivalent of two calendar years of course work. The normal time of completion for the course-based program, including the capping exercise, is two years. The maximum time allowed to complete the course-based program is six years.
205.16.3 The Degree of PhD in Comparative Literature
Program Requirements
Students admitted to this program with an MA in Comparative Literature from the University of Alberta, or the equivalent, will be required to take C LIT 501, 502, 511, 512, 560, and an additional
3 at the graduate level to be determined, on an individual basis, with the approval of the Graduate Coordinator in their first year of studies. In the Fall term of their second year, students will complete two Field Papers related to their thesis topic. Normally during their second year but no later than April of their second year, students will complete the FGSR Candidacy Examination, and then write and defend a thesis in the area of Comparative Literature by the end of their fourth year. Students admitted with less than the background requirement will be required to take up to six additional graduate courses in Comparative Literature, with the exact number to be determined individually by the graduate committee.
Length of Program
The time necessary to complete the requirements for the PhD depends upon the student's background and progress. For students admitted to the program with an MA in Comparative Literature, the normal completion time is four years. The maximum time allowed for the completion of a PhD program is six years.
The minimum period of residence is two academic years of full-time attendance at the University of Alberta.
205.16.4 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject heading Comparative Literature (C LIT).