Graduate Programs
Physical Therapy
205.59 Physical Therapy
Department of Physical Therapy
2-50 Corbett Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2G4
E-mail: fgsrpt.info@rehabmed.ualberta.ca
205.59.1 General Information
The Department of Physical Therapy offers a program leading to the Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy (MScPT).
The course-based MScPT program is designed to provide students with the clinical and evaluative skills necessary for the practice of physical therapy. This course-based master's degree is for students who hold undergraduate degrees in a variety of fields.
205.59.2 The Degree of MSc in Physical Therapy (course-based)
Entrance Requirements
The minimum admission requirements include a baccalaureate degree from the University of Alberta with a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the most recent
60 or its academic equivalent from a recognized academic institution. Prerequisite courses are required and include the following: Human Anatomy (
3), Human Physiology (
6), English (
3), Statistics (
3), Psychology (
6). Where applicable refer to the English language requirement for the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (§203.2.4). Applicants must have a TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 92 (internet-based) or higher.
Activity courses in Physical Education, studio courses in Fine Arts, and practicum courses are not considered part of the required
60 credits admission requirements and are not included in the calculation of the academic score.
A minimum of 30 hours of volunteer or paid work is required. Work must include direct contact involving interaction with persons with cognitive or physical disabilities at no more than two facilities. Applicants are required to submit a letter from the primary work supervisor verifying the volunteer/paid work experience.
The deadline date for submitting applications for admission (including a listing of prerequisites completed and/or in progress) is February 1. Please contact the Department of Physical Therapy for further admission information. Normally deferral of admission will not be allowed.
Annual admission is for 80 positions. The selection process is competitive and will be based mainly on the GPA in the most recent
60 taken prior to January of the admission year. The grade point average of the prerequisite courses may be included in the admissions evaluation process. In addition to academic requirements an interview will be required. While preference will be given to residents of Alberta, approximately 15% of the available seats will be designated for out-of-province and international applicants.
Licensing by Professional Associations: Graduates from the course-based MScPT in Physical Therapy program may apply for membership in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, 9th Floor, 890 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M4W 3P4, and the College of Physical Therapists of Alberta, 1350, 5555 Calgary Trail South, Edmonton, AB, T6H 5P9.
Provincial Licensing: In order to be a practising physical therapist in the Province of Alberta, graduates from the course-based MScPT program at the University of Alberta are required to take the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE) which consists of both written (Qualifying Examination) and clinical (Physiotherapy National Examination) examinations. The fee for the examination is the responsibility of the student. Information on the cost of the examination can be obtained from the College of Physical Therapists of Alberta (CPTA). Successful completion of the PCE will enable graduating physical therapists to practice in Alberta. Contact (780) 438-0338 for more information.
Financial Assistance
Fellowships and scholarships may be obtained from a number of external sources (e.g., Alberta Government, CPA, IODE, Arthritis Society, and others). More detailed information on these and other awards can be obtained in §210, Graduate Financial Aid.
Program Requirements
Requirements for the course-based MScPT degree include successful completion of all components of the required course of study (
88), including (31 weeks) in clinical placements and a major project. The major project has two components:
a practical examination of clinical skills within an Objective, Structured Competency Examination (OSCE), and | |
a group written case study analysis with individual oral examination. |
Students must successfully complete both components to pass the major project.
Course-based MScPT courses are organized in blocks, with time periods different from the usual university terms. The start and finish dates for the blocks will vary from year to year. These block dates are available annually from the Department Office. Normally, block classes will begin one week before the usual term. The last day of Block classes may extend past the last day of classes for a term. Refer to the academic schedule (§11.1) for specific dates for each Block during the year.
Each Block will include lecture, lab, and seminar time. Students are advised that self-directed learning is an expectation of graduate students and will maximize their learning.
Academic Standing: Refer to section §203.8 for policies on Academic Standing in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. The Department of Physical Therapy has established procedures governing academic standing which are available on admission in the MScPT Student Manual. The Department of Physical Therapy has established appeal procedures so that students who encounter special problems relating to academic standing, grade or course concerns and program requirements are reviewed in an equitable manner. Regulations regarding appeals are included in the MScPT Student Manual provided on admission. Deadlines exist for submission of appeals. Contact the Department for details.
Clinical Placement Courses: Clinical placement courses are practical placements at approved facilities and are integrated through the program. The first clinical placement is a one-week full-time placement. The remaining five courses are full-time and six weeks in length for a total of 31 clinical weeks. The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) is the course instructor for each clinical placement. The ACCE will assign each student’s final placement grade in each course based on a recommendation by the student’s clinical supervisor and assignments completed on placement.
Clinical Policies and Procedures: The procedures governing clinical placements are binding and will be provided in the MScPT Student Manual.
To be eligible for admission to clinical placements the students must meet the following requirements:
CPR Certification | |
Security Clearance Check | |
Medical Examination and Immunization Requirements | |
Fit Testing for Respirator Mask, as required | |
For students requesting Specialized Support and Disability Services (SSDS) accommodation and for students returning to the program after a prolonged period of absence due to illness, a medical examination and relevant documentation may be required prior to clinical practice. |
Details on these clinical requirements are available in the MScPT Student Manual. Note that all fees and costs for these clinical requirements are the student's responsibility (e.g., travel, visa, accommodation, health and travel insurance, course registration). Students must be prepared to travel throughout the province in order to obtain the placement experiences that are required for graduation. Students may choose to apply for a national or international placement at designated times.
In the physical therapy clinical program, students must have completed an acceptable level of clinical performance over the course of their clinical program in order to graduate even if they have passed all the clinical courses. The Chair or designate may require a student to do additional remedial work if the Chair or designate has reasonable grounds to believe that this is necessary in order to protect the public interest (see the University of Alberta’s Practicum Intervention Appeal Policy and the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s Practicum Intervention Appeal Procedures). If the student chooses not to do the remedial work he/she will be required to withdraw from the program. Situations in which the Chair or designate would require a student to do additional remedial work include evidence of:
unsafe clinical practice | |
unsatisfactory professional conduct | |
clinical/professional skills are not at a suitable level of performance for graduation |
As per regulations, the student would have the right to appeal any conditions put on this remedial work or any requirement to withdraw from the program.
A student who fails a clinical placement may appeal that decision. Information regarding appeal procedures is available in the MScPT Student Manual.
Practicum Intervention Policy: The Dean, or supervisor acting on behalf of the Dean, may immediately deny assignment of a student to, withdraw a student from, or vary terms, conditions, or site of practicum/clinical placement if the Dean or supervisor has reasonable grounds to believe that this is necessary in order to protect the public interest. Refer to §23.8.2 Practicum Intervention Policy for additional information.
Assistance/Accommodation: Students who may require assistance/accommodation due to personal circumstances and/or conditions affecting mobility, vision, hearing, learning and physical or mental health, should refer to the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Accommodation Procedures document on the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine website at www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/rehabmed/ and to §24.16 Specialized Support and Disability Services.
Length of the Program
A minimum of 25 calendar months will normally be required to complete the program. Dependent on clinical placement availability, completion of the program may be 31 months. Normally the MScPT program will be completed within a maximum of three consecutive academic years.
The following is a listing of course-based MScPT program requirements:
INT D 410 | PTHER 544 |
PTHER 500 | PTHER 545 |
PTHER 504 | PTHER 546 |
PTHER 511 | PTHER 548 |
PTHER 516 | PTHER 549 |
PTHER 517 | PTHER 554 |
PTHER 518 | PTHER 555 |
PTHER 520 | PTHER 557 |
PTHER 521 | PTHER 558 |
PTHER 522 | PTHER 561 |
PTHER 523 | PTHER 562 |
PTHER 524 | PTHER 563 |
PTHER 525 | PTHER 565 |
PTHER 526 | PTHER 567 |
PTHER 528 | PTHER 572 |
PTHER 534 | PTHER 573 |
PTHER 536 | PTHER 574 |
PTHER 537 | PTHER 900 |
PTHER 538 |
Notes: | |
The above PTHER courses are open to course-based MScPT students only or by consent of the Department. | |
Students must complete approved elective course work totalling |
205.59.3 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the following subject headings:
Physical Therapy (PTHER)
Rehabilitation Medicine (REHAB)