Graduate Programs
205.18 Dentistry
Department of Dentistry
2089 Dentistry Pharmacy
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2N8
E-mail: dentistry.gradstudies@ualberta.ca
205.18.1 General Information
The Department of Dentistry offers the MSc and PhD in Medical Sciences degrees (see §205.43) for post-DDS applicants or for those proceeding from a BSc or equivalent degree. Research may be carried out in a variety of dentistry-related disciplines for which faculty members in the department have active research programs. Inquiries should be directed to the Graduate Coordinator, Department of Dentistry (www.dent.ualberta.ca).
The Department offers the MSc in Medical Sciences program in the following areas of specialty: Dentistry, Oral Biology, Orthodontics, and TMD/Orofacial Pain. The PhD programs are offered in Dentistry, Oral Biology, and Orthodontics.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's normal requirements for admission of graduate students are a minimum of 3.0 or equivalent GPA during the last two years of an undergraduate or graduate degree at the University of Alberta, or equivalent qualification from another institution, and a TOEFL score of at least 580 (paper-based) or 95 with at least 20 per section (internet-based), or a MELAB minimum score of 91; or a CAEL minimum score of 70 with at least 70 on each subtest; or an IELTS minimum score of 7.5 with at least 6 on each band, where applicable (see §203.2.4). Admission is dependent upon the recommendation of the Department of Dentistry's Graduate Committee and the Medical Sciences Graduate Program Committee to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
Financial Assistance
Although funding from fellowships and studentships may be available on a competitive basis candidates should be prepared financially for the program. Supervisors may support students from operating grants and limited financial assistance may also be available from the Department. Other sources of funding may be sought as described in the Graduate Financial Aid and Awards sections of the Calendar, from provincial bursaries, from professional associations and private foundations, etc.
205.18.2 The Degree of MSc in Medical Sciences - Dentistry and the Degree of MSc in Medical Sciences - Oral Biology
The Department of Dentistry offers the degree of MSc in Medical Sciences - Dentistry and the degree of MSc in Medical Sciences - Oral Biology. The general description for the MSc program is as presented for all MSc programs in Medical Sciences (see §205.43 Medical Sciences). Applications for admission should be directed to the Graduate Studies Office, Department of Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2N8. This program has an open deadline, applications are accepted for September or January admission.
205.18.3 The Degree of MSc in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics
General Information
The Department of Dentistry offers an MSc in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics. Through a combination of didactic and clinical courses, the program is structured to prepare the dental graduate for an orthodontic practice and/or an educational appointment. This is a thesis-based program. The clinical requirements involve successful completion of selected teaching cases (see §205.43 Medical Sciences).
Application for admission should be directed to the Graduate Studies Office, Department of Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2N8. Information about the program and the online application form may be found at www.ualberta.ca/ortho. The deadline is October 1 for the following September admission.
Entrance Requirements
In addition to the general entrance requirements (§205.18.1), applicants to the Orthodontics program must have completed at least one year of experience as a licensed dentist prior to the start of the program. As part of the class selection process, selected applicants will be invited to an interview. Admission is dependent upon the recommendation of the Department of Dentistry's Graduate Committee and the Medical Sciences Graduate Program Committee.
Financial Assistance
See (§205.18.1).
Program Requirements
The requirements for the degree include coursework, seminars, a clinical component and a thesis. Student progress will be monitored through an annual written and/or oral assessment in the spring term. Feedback from this assessment will serve to identify areas that require additional attention by the student. The assessment will permit the development of specific clinical improvement objectives before the next annual assessment. The program of study is determined in consultation with the Supervisor and Supervisory Committee.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the MSc will vary with the individual candidate, but normally the program can be completed in three years.
205.18.4 The Degree of MSc in Medical Sciences - Temporomandibular Disorders/Orofacial Pain
General Information
The Department of Dentistry offers a course-based MSc in Medical Sciences which focuses on Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) and Orofacial Pain (OFP). The program normally commences each September. Lectures, seminars, and clinical experiences provide an optimal, progressive learning experience. The clinical program emphasizes participation in differential diagnosis and patient treatment. The clinic has a multidisciplinary component involving physical therapy, medicine, nutrition, psychology, pharmacotherapy, and various dental disciplines. Clinical expertise is supplemented by on and off campus rotations to observe and learn other approaches to pain management. (See also §205.43 Medical Sciences.)
Entrance Requirements
See §205.18.1. Based on the academic record, telephone or in person interviews, clinical and research experience, expectations and career plan outlined in the letter of intent and three letters of reference, the top three candidates will be chosen and rank ordered. Admission interviews are normally required. Admission is dependent upon the recommendation of the Department of Dentistry Graduate Committee and the Medical Sciences Graduate Program Committee.
The deadline for completed applications is October 1, interviews to occur in November, offers made in January/February for September admission.
Financial Assistance
TMD/OFP students receive a stipend for a 24-month period. Funding from other sources may be available on a competitive basis.
Program Requirements
Completion of the program requires a minimum of
30 that includes a final capping exercise. The Director will approve a final program.
A student may after admission to the program transfer to a thesis-based program, which can be arranged with permission of the Director.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the clinical and course-based MSc requirements is 24 months. Thesis-based programs typically take 36 months to complete.
205.18.5 The Degree of PhD in Medical Sciences - Dentistry and the Degree of PhD in Medical Sciences - Oral Biology
The Department of Dentistry offers the PhD in Medical Sciences - Dentistry and the PhD in Medical Sciences - Oral Biology. The program of study is determined in consultation with the supervisor and supervisory committee. The general description for the PhD in Medical Sciences is as presented for all PhD programs in Medical Sciences (see §205.43 Medical Sciences).
205.18.6 The Degree of PhD in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics
The PhD in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics program is a full-time program with clinical training integrated into it. Up to one student per year may be admitted into the program. The program of study is determined in consultation with the supervisor and supervisory committee. Clinical training will not start until defined research milestones are attained. The time required to complete the PhD will vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken; however, a minimum of five years is considered normal. For the PhD in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics program, applications will be received and reviewed by the Director of Orthodontics (see §205.43 Medical Sciences). Students enrolled in the PhD in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics will not have the option of transferring to the MSc in Medical Sciences - Orthodontics program.
205.18.7 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject headings Dentistry (DENT) and Oral Biology (OBIOL).