Graduate Programs
205.19 Drama
Department of Drama
3-146 Fine Arts Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9
E-mail: drama@ualberta.ca
205.19.1 General Information
The Department of Drama offers graduate programs leading to the degree of PhD in Performance Studies, Master of Fine Arts degrees in Theatre Design, Directing, Theatre Voice Pedagogy, and Theatre Practice and Master of Arts in Drama degree.
The Department offers students access to a range of professional facilities during their studies including performance, workshop, rehearsal and classroom space, libraries, graduate student offices, and access to computers and seminar rooms. The Timms Centre for the Arts provides a fully equipped, 289-seat-proscenium theatre, a black box second playing space, theatre collections, props shop, production offices, wardrobe, dressing rooms and a green room. The Fine Arts Building offers students the opportunity to study and work from a media room, corner stage, movement studio, sound studios and design studios.
In addition, the theatre collection in the library is extensive. It offers particular opportunities for work in expressionism; German, French, and Spanish drama; and includes a substantial collection of research materials on Canadian theatre.
The aim of the MFA programs is to train candidates to a level of competency sufficient to enter the profession.
The MA program, essentially research oriented, also offers training in dramaturgy as one of the means by which candidates may be actively involved in the creative pursuits of the Department, and also prepares for further PhD studies.
The PhD in Performance Studies offers students advanced-level scholarship, study and research in Drama and Performance, with a thorough interdisciplinary focus. The program is designed so that students pursue individual performance studies projects that engage creatively with the interrelationships between aesthetic practices and critical reflection.
Inquiries should be addressed to the Graduate Coordinator, Department of Drama.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's minimum admission requirements are an undergraduate degree with an average of 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate work (or graduate work) at the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, and a TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 88 (Internet-based) where applicable (see §203.2.4). Interested applicants should check further application details as they relate to their intended area of specialization on the Department’s website (www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/drama/prospectivegrad.cfm).
Financial Assistance
Graduate assistantships are available to qualified students. Graduate students are also eligible to compete for University and provincial scholarships.
205.19.2 The Degree of MFA
Entrance Requirements
The undergraduate degree (see “General Information: Entrance Requirements”, above) must normally be a four-year degree in theatre studies in order for the applicant to be considered eligible for the MFA program. In addition, numerous practical theatre credits are required in the applicant's intended area of specialization along with three letters of recommendation on the applicant's professional promise.
Between the academic and the artistic requirements candidates must: demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the components of theatre art – acting, design, and directing; have extensive training and experience in the area of their intended specialization; and possess sufficient preparation in dramatic literature, theatre history, and theatre aesthetics.
Program Requirements
Required courses depend on the area of specialization and the undergraduate background of the student; however, the MFA program normally consists of
33. In addition, an acceptable creative thesis project must be presented in performance.
Length of Program
Candidates for the program in Directing and in Theatre Practice are normally required to complete two years of study in residence. In certain circumstances advanced standing may be accorded in the candidacy program for previous theatre work accredited by the Department. For the MFA Theatre Design only, the minimum period of residency is one academic year for candidates holding a BFA Theatre Design Degree from the University of Alberta, or equivalent; all other MFA Theatre Design candidates require a minimum period of residency of two academic years. The MFA in Theatre Voice Pedagogy candidates require a minimum period of residency of two academic years.
205.19.3 The Degree of MA
Entrance Requirements
A candidate must hold a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from a recognized institution. To be accepted, the candidate must demonstrate to the Department familiarity with the artistic and practical components of theatre art, as well as sufficient preparation in theatre history and criticism. Candidates are required to submit a sample of their expository writing.
Program Requirements
The Department offers a thesis-based and a course-based MA.
The thesis-based MA program normally consists of some practical training in research skills and
24 at the graduate level. Students are ordinarily required to take DRAMA 601, 608, and 609 as part of these requirements. Candidates must present an acceptable thesis and defend it orally.
The course-based MA consists of
27 graduate-level courses, including: DRAMA 601 (
3) and one of DRAMA 608 (
3) or DRAMA 609 (
3). With the Department's approval, students may include up to a maximum of
9 in graduate-level courses offered outside the Department as part of their MA coursework. Students are also required to make a public presentation of a major research paper (DRAMA 695).
Both thesis-based and course-based candidates must demonstrate a reading knowledge of one approved language other than English.
Length of Program
The thesis-based MA requires three academic terms of coursework and one additional term of thesis-related writing and research. The course-based MA requires one academic year. No full-time residency is required for the latter.
205.19.4 The Degree of PhD in Performance Studies
Entrance Requirements
A candidate must hold a Master’s degree (or its equivalent) from a recognized institution. To be accepted, the candidate must normally demonstrate to the Department familiarity with the artistic and practical components of theatre art, as well as sufficient preparation in theatre history and criticism; for those with other performance studies-oriented Master’s degrees, additional foundation courses in drama may be required. Candidates are required to submit a sample of their expository writing. (Fast tracking through MA will be considered on a case by case basis.)
Program Requirements
Students are normally expected to complete
18 in graduate courses, which must include DRAMA 608 and 609. PhD students may be required to take certain courses other than the above two in order to ensure adequate coverage of the field, or these requirements can be waived if similar subjects have been sufficiently covered during recent MA studies. As part of the
18, students must fulfil a
3 practical requirement in theatre practice. In addition they must demonstrate reading proficiency in a language other than English (normally the language that is most relevant for the proposed research); completion of a language requirement for an MA degree may satisfy the requirement for the PhD, provided proficiency was demonstrated no earlier than two years before the start of the PhD. After completion of course work and submission of a thesis proposal, doctoral candidates must fulfil a departmental examination, followed by an oral candidacy examination. Students must complete a written dissertation, founded on high scholastic achievement, original research, and firm theoretical grounding. It must be defended before an examining committee.
Length of Program
Students must normally fulfil all program requirements, with the exception of the dissertation, within the first three years of registration. Students must spend their first two years in residence – registered full-time, and physically on campus. The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research sets a time limit of six years for completion of a PhD.
205.19.5 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject heading Drama (DRAMA).
Graduate courses offered by other departments may be taken with the consent of the student's Drama department advisor.