Graduate Programs
205.64 Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
1E1.01 Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2B7
E-mail: gradstudies.psychiatry@ualberta.ca
205.64.1 General Information
The Department of Psychiatry offers outstanding opportunities for students wishing to pursue graduate studies at both the master’s and doctoral level. Faculty members are known internationally for their research, covering most areas relevant to psychiatry and neuropsychiatry.
For further information contact the Department of Psychiatry at gradstudies.psychiatry.ca.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's minimum admission requirements are an undergraduate degree with an average of 3.2 in the last two years of undergraduate (or graduate) work at the University of Alberta or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, and a TOEFL score of at least 570 (paper-based) or 92 (Internet-based) where applicable (see §203.2.4). The Department also requires three letters of reference, a current curriculum vitae, and a brief description of research interests. Prospective students are also encouraged to contact directly the faculty members whose research is of interest to them.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance may be available from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research, grants to faculty members, and from other sources.
205.64.2 The Degree of MSc
Program Requirements
Requirements include the preparation and defence of a thesis based on research conducted by the candidate.
All candidates must include some coursework, as specified by their Supervisory Committee. Normally
6 to
9 in graduate courses are required.
There is no second language requirement for the MSc.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the program will vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken; however, a minimum of 12 months is normally required.
205.64.3 The Degree of PhD
Program Requirements
Requirements include the preparation and defence of a thesis based on research conducted by the candidate.
All candidates must include some coursework, as specified by their Supervisory Committee. Normally a minimum of
9 in graduate courses are required.
There is no second language requirement for the PhD.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the program will vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken; however, a minimum of three years is normally required.