Graduate Programs
205.22 Economics
Department of Economics
8-14 Tory Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4
E-mail: econapps@ualberta.ca
205.22.1 General Information
The Department of Economics offers programs leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's minimum admission requirements are an undergraduate degree with a grade point average of at least 3.0 in economics courses, and a TOEFL score of 580 (paper-based) or 92 (Internet-based) where applicable (see §203.2.4). A GPA of 3.2 in MA work is required for admission to the PhD program.
Applicants whose most recent degree is from a non-Canadian university are required to write the Graduate Record Examinations (verbal, quantitative, and analytical sections) administered by the Educational Testing Service (Princeton, NJ). The examinations should be written early enough for scores to be available at the same time as the applicant's other supporting documents. No minimum cutoff score is specified, because GRE results are used only in conjunction with other indicators of potential academic success. The Graduate Program Committee will waive this requirement only in exceptional circumstances.
Students entering a graduate program in economics are required to have or to make up credit in a basic course in calculus and one in statistics.
Note: These courses are required in addition to the candidate's normal graduate program.
Inquiries regarding details of programs offered within the Department should be directed to the Graduate Program Office.
Financial Assistance
The Department automatically considers all applicants for graduate teaching and research assistantships. To ensure consideration the candidate's application and supporting documents must be received by the Department before February 1. Applications received after that date will be considered for assistantships only if funds are still available. Details of scholarships and other sources of financial assistance are included at www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca
205.22.2 The Degree of MA
The Department of Economics offers two programs: The MA in Economics and the MA in Economics and Finance. The MA in Economics is a course-based program consisting of at least
27 including an independent research project (
3). The MA in Economics and Finance, offered collaboratively with the Department of Finance and Statistical Analysis of the Faculty of Business is also a course-based program requiring
42 including an independent research project (
Except in special cases, no language other than English is required for the degree of MA.
The course-based MA in Economics and MA in Economics and Finance have no minimum residence period and can be completed on a purely part-time basis.
Length of Program
The time required to complete either of the MA programs will vary according to the previous training of the applicant. Under normal circumstances, the MA in Economics can be completed on a full-time basis in 10 months. The MA in Economics and Finance requires a minimum of four, four-month academic terms of full-time study and therefore requires 22 months to complete.
205.22.3 The Degree of PhD
Program Requirements
The PhD program consists of at least
36 and a thesis.
Detailed program requirements, including standards of performance, may be obtained by consulting the Department.
It should be noted that students in the PhD program can choose to specialize in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics where this specialization is offered collaboratively by the Department of Economics and the Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology
Except in special cases, no language other than English is required for the PhD.
The minimum period of residence is three academic years of full-time attendance at the University of Alberta.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the PhD will vary according to the individual candidate; however, a minimum of four years is normally required.
205.22.4 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject heading Economics (ECON).