Programs of Study
BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program
75.6 BSc (Specialization in Science and Education)/BEd (Secondary) Combined Degrees Program
75.6.1 General Information
The Faculties of Science and Education offer a combined degrees program that is more highly structured than the BSc followed by a BEd After Degree (a six-year route). It provides less flexibility in course choice and scheduling than taking the degrees sequentially, because it is designed to meet the minimum requirements of both degrees in five years. In addition, it must meet teacher certification requirements within this time frame.
To accommodate the variety in subject studies needed in secondary school teaching, students in the combined program will select a major/minor from the following areas:
Biological Sciences: Biology, Botany, Entomology, Genetics, Immunology and Infection, Marine Science, Microbiology, Neuroscience, Paleontology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Zoology.
Physical Sciences: Astronomy, Chemistry, Mathematical Physics, Physics.
Mathematical Sciences: Computing Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Probability.
Students apply to the Faculty of Science for admission to the Combined Degrees Program and spend the first two years of the five-year program registered in the Faculty of Science. (See §§15.6.2 and 193.4 ).