Faculty Regulations
Academic Regulations
83.3 Academic Regulations
Admissions: The Faculty of Engineering admits students into a first- or qualifying-year program and into specialized programs at the second-year level. All admissions are on a competitive basis. Admissions into the first or qualifying year program include students who are coming directly from high school and students with less than 30.0 engineering units of postsecondary transfer credit. On an annual basis, the minimum high school average for students entering directly from high school is reviewed and may be adjusted to reflect demand and space availability. This average is calculated across the five required admission subjects (Alberta Grade 12 Chemistry 30, English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31 and Physics 30 or their equivalent), and for the past several years it has been 80.0% or above. All high school students who meet the minimum average are admitted to the first or qualifying year program. There is a maximum number of students which can be accommodated in the first or qualifying year program. Spaces available after all eligible applicants from high school have been admitted are offered to students with postsecondary transfer credit. Factors in selecting students from this group for admission are academic performance and the specific courses which earn transfer credit. The Faculty offers a number of engineering degree program choices as indicated below: Chemical Chemical Process Control Option Chemical Biomedical Option Civil Civil Environmental Option Civil Biomedical Option* Computer Computer Software Option Computer Nanoscale System Design Option Electrical Electrical Biomedical Option* Electrical Nanoengineering Option Engineering Physics* Engineering Physics Nanoengineering Option* Mechanical Mechanical Biomedical Option** Materials Materials Biomedical Option Materials Nano and Functional Materials Option Mining Petroleum Most of these programs are offered in both the Traditional and Co-op formats except as indicated by the asterisks - *Traditional only, **Co-op only. All of the specialized or discipline specific programs start in second year and each has a limited number of spaces. On an annual basis the Faculty reviews the number of spaces in all disciplines and may change the number of spaces in specific degree programs to reflect student demand and the market demand for these disciplines subject to the availability of Faculty resources. Students admitted to the qualifying year must normally qualify for a specialized program in not more than two terms (one year). Students entering directly from high school or with less than 15.0 units of transfer credit may, subject to space availability, be allowed an additional two terms (one year) to qualify. Students entering with 15.0 or more units of transfer credit must qualify in not more than two terms (one year).In order to qualify, a student must be in satisfactory standing after Fall/Winter and have credit in at least 30.0 units (excluding ENGG 100/101) of courses transferable to a specialized program. A student who is offered admission to a specialized program after two terms has qualified and may not continue as a qualifying student. Students who fail to qualify within the indicated number of terms are required to withdraw and are not normally readmitted to the Faculty. Students are admitted to a specialized program based first of all on academic performance in the first or qualifying year and secondly on their program preferences. These preferences are communicated by completing a Program Selection Form (PSF). All students in the qualifying year, and new applicants, must complete the PSF which is accessed through the Faculty web site. All applicants with previous postsecondary education must submit a PSF. Applicants who do not have sufficient transfer credit for admission to a second year program (to be determined by the Faculty) may be considered for a qualifying year. Students who are offered admission to one of the specialized programs must register in the Fall and/or Winter Term immediately following; otherwise they must reapply and again compete for a space in these programs. Spaces in each specialized program are reserved for students who do not have an undergraduate engineering degree. Students who already hold an undergraduate engineering degree are not eligible for admission to a second undergraduate program in the Faculty. Study of a different engineering discipline can be done through registration as a Special Student or registration in a graduate program. | |||||||||||||||
Engineering Graduation Average
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Time Limit for Completion of Degree: All students must complete their degree requirements within 72 months from the time of their initial admission to a specialized degree program in Engineering. The time measurement starts at the beginning of the term following a student's initial admission to a specialized degree program in Engineering. This time limit includes all time during which a student is not in attendance either by personal choice or as a result of suspension or a requirement to withdraw. When a student encounters special circumstances that necessitate an absence from the University for an extended period of time, the student may apply to the Faculty for an extension to the degree time limit. Such an application must be made prior to the absence or at the earliest opportunity. Extensions are not granted for cases where a student has spent time on withdrawal or suspension. | |||||||||||||||
Course Load
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Promotion: A student's progress is evaluated on completion of academic studies for Fall/Winter and on completion of any academic term occurring in Spring/Summer that is a scheduled term within the student's degree program. Scheduled terms are those shown in §§84.3 and 84.4. Evaluation is on the basis of the Fall/Winter GPA or Spring/Summer GPA [see §23.4(5)]. A student registered in Co-op Work Experience for the Winter Term and simultaneously registered in one or more courses is considered to have completed their academic studies for Fall/Winter after the Fall Term.
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Work Experience Credit: Work Experience (WKEXP) courses in the cooperative education program are graded on a Pass/Fail (Credit/No Credit) basis. A student receiving a grade of Fail/No Credit is normally required to withdraw from the cooperative program and the Faculty of Engineering. | |||||||||||||||
Deficiencies from a Previous Term: Where a student is deficient in credits in a course (or courses) from a previous term, through failure or otherwise, that student must normally clear that deficiency the next time the course (or courses) is (are) offered. Where the deficiency is the result of failure or withdrawal from an elective course, another course may be substituted if Faculty approval is first received to do so. | |||||||||||||||
Readmission after a Requirement to Withdraw: A student required to withdraw must stay out for two terms before being eligible for readmission. In this context, Spring/Summer is not counted as a term unless it is a scheduled term within the student's degree program. All students are readmitted on probation and must take all the previously failed courses and other courses as specified by the Dean. For students in the co-op program, readmission must coincide with the start of an academic term. A student required to withdraw a second time is not normally readmitted to the Faculty of Engineering. The requirements to clear probation are explained in §83.3(5)b. | |||||||||||||||
Withdrawal from Courses: (See §11 Academic Schedule for deadline dates.) | |||||||||||||||
Missed Term and Final Exams: Refer to §23.3. There are no deferred term exams for courses offered in the Faculty of Engineering. In instances where a student has a documented reason for missing a term exam(s) and at the discretion of the instructor, the value of a missed term exam(s) can be added to the value of the final exam. A missed term exam(s) is considered assigned term work which has not been completed in determining eligibility for a deferred final exam. | |||||||||||||||
Transfer Credit: Students planning to earn transfer credit for a course(s) taken elsewhere should obtain Department and Faculty approval in the form of a Letter of Permission prior to taking the course(s). The Faculty is under no obligation to grant transfer credit without such preapproval. Letters of Permission are not given to students who have been required to withdraw until they have been readmitted. Students returning for a second qualifying year who have successfully completed a qualifying year course(s) which was (were) not taken or not passed in their first qualifying year will automatically receive credit for such courses and cannot retake them. | |||||||||||||||
Reexaminations: See §23.5.5. | |||||||||||||||
Academic Awards and Recognition
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Communication with Students Re Academic and Discipline Matters: Pursuant to §20.3, the Faculty of Engineering will communicate all academic standing decisions and all decisions relating to charges under the Code of Student Behaviour electronically. The decision letter will be an electronic document attached to an e-mail forwarded to the student’s campus e-mail address which includes the ualberta.ca extension or available through Bear Tracks. | |||||||||||||||
A copy of the Faculty of Engineering Regulations regarding appeals may be obtained from the Faculty Office, E6-050 Engineering Teaching and Learning Complex. |