Graduate Programs
Library and Information Studies
205.36 Library and Information Studies
School of Library and Information Studies
3-20 Rutherford South
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2J4
E-mail: slis@ualberta.ca
205.36.1 General Information
The School of Library and Information Studies, the only graduate professional library and information studies program in the prairie provinces, offers the Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) degree. The MLIS degree is offered on campus or completely online.
As a professional degree, the MLIS represents a program designed to develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills that will prepare graduates to help people define their information needs, make their information seeking more effective, use information tools efficiently, evaluate information, critically examine Internet resources, make informed decisions about what to read, and help organizations manage their records and knowledge.
The MLIS program is accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of the American Library Association. This accreditation is also recognized by the Canadian Library Association.
Student Organizations
The Library and Information Studies Students' Association represents all students enrolled in the MLIS program. Students elect their own officers, with the presiding officer representing them at meetings of the School Council. LISSA provides liaison between students and faculty and encourages participation in a variety of academic, professional, and extracurricular activities.
Entrance Requirements
An applicant with a four-year undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta, or a comparable degree from another accredited university, who has obtained a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (or its equivalent) in the last 20 half-courses (or equivalent) of academic studies may be admitted as a candidate for the MLIS degree. Applicants who lack these qualifications are advised to make up any deficiency in consultation with the School of Library and Information Studies in order to be considered for admission as a candidate for the MLIS.
All applicants who are required to write an English language examination are advised to do so at an early date because a satisfactory score is required in order to be considered for admission (see §203.2.4). The passing score is 90 for the MELAB; 600 (paper-based) or 100 (Internet-based) for the TOEFL; 70 for the CAEL with a minimum of 70 on each subtest; or 7.5 on the overall band for the IELTS (Academic) with a minimum of 7 on each test band.
Applicants without a degree from a Canadian university may be required to take the Graduate Record Examination administered by the Educational Testing Service. Students should arrange for the testing agency to report results to the School of Library and Information Studies, which will judge whether or not the results are satisfactory. Acceptable scores are 600 in the Verbal Section, 525 in the Quantitative Section, and 600 in the Analytical Section.
Applicants are judged not only on their academic record but also by their professional promise as indicated in three letters of reference (letters to support application for graduate admission), statement of purpose, and curriculum vitae.
Admission offers are made from a review of complete applications received by the School by February 1, for the on campus MLIS program, and April 1 for the online MLIS program. A complete application includes the application form and its supporting materials, transcripts, and three letters of reference (letters to support application for graduate admission). Where fewer than three academic referees are available, one professional/supervisor referee is acceptable for one of the references. All must be received before applications can be reviewed for admission to the MLIS program. Applicants considered will receive notification of a decision on their application no later than March 31 for the on campus MLIS program, and May 30 for the online MLIS program, and May 30 for the online MLIS program. Once the School's acceptance limit is reached, subsequent acceptable applicants may be placed on a waiting list.
Decisions on internal scholarships and awards are normally made by June 1. Students are encouraged to seek out opportunities for scholarships and awards and to apply for these prior to and during the course of their programs.
Students who are offered admission to the MLIS program may have their admissions deferred to the following fall term if the School is notified in writing before the beginning of the Fall term.
Please consult www.slis.ualberta.ca for full application details.
Mission of the School of Library and Information Studies
Within a vibrant, supportive, and rigorous environment, the School develops reflective and inquiring library and information leaders through learner-centric teaching, scholarship, and community partnerships for the benefit of society.
SLIS Vision
A society which honours institutions that foster individual opportunity to engage with the world of imagination, information, and ideas for learning, citizenship, and connecting communities.
SLIS Values
A diverse, inclusive, dynamic and collegial School which honours
• | Integrity, diversity, fairness, equity, and respect; |
• | Excellence in teaching, research, and citizenship; |
• | Mutual sense of responsibility and accountability; |
• | Pride in our history, traditions, community, students, and alumni; and, |
• | Intellectual curiosity, imagination, and creativity. |
Objectives of the MLIS Program:
Upon completion of the MLIS program, students will
be familiar with the history, the philosophy, and the service orientation of libraries, librarianship, and related information environments; and understand the value of teaching, service, and research to the advancement of the field of library and information studies. | |
evince complex and ethical awareness of major issues, research, trends, and dilemmas in library and information studies. 3. demonstrate critical thinking, analytical capacities, and problem-solving skills. | |
demonstrate critical thinking, analytical capacities, and problem-solving skills. | |
apply leadership and management principles to address diverse organizational needs and challenges. | |
communicate effectively and professionally. | |
show understanding of the knowledge and information organization life cycle including, but not limited to, production, organization, distribution, access, preservation, disposition, and retrieval practices of recorded knowledge and information resources of all kinds. | |
conduct effective searches to locate, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information sources, with respect for the culturally diverse composition of society and its information needs. | |
utilize, appreciate, and evaluate a broad range of LIS and related research literatures and have sufficient understanding of processes and methods (including those shared across disciplines) required to conduct principled inquiries and investigations. | |
examine the impact, importance, and limitations of technologies in personal, professional, and social contexts as well as in library and information studies settings. | |
be aware of the need for continuing professional education and develop and maintain collegial relationships with their fellow professionals. |
Financial Assistance
Inquiries regarding program and course details, and financial assistance should be made to the School of Library and Information Studies. Details about University awards are found at www.gradstudies.ualberta.ca.
205.36.2 Academic Standing
The pass mark for any course taken for credit towards the Master of Library and Information Studies degree is a grade of C+. A student who does not achieve a pass mark in any required course must repeat the course. A student who does not achieve a pass mark in an elective course must repeat the course or substitute another elective course.
An overall average of 2.7 must be maintained throughout the program. If the School decides that a graduate student is not making satisfactory progress in either coursework or research, the School may recommend to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research that the student be required to withdraw.
Graduate students are not permitted to take reexaminations.
205.36.3 Appeals and Grievances
Students who have grievances related to academic judgments inherent in marks or grades awarded in any course should follow the grievance procedures set out by the School of Library and Information Studies and the Faculty which offers the course.
Students who have grievances related to a decision of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) affecting the student's academic program should first exhaust the appeal and grievance procedures of the School and then, if desired, may pursue the appeal procedures of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. These procedures are available from the School and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
205.36.4 Time Limits for Completion of Program
Candidates in the course-based route must have completed all the requirements within six years of the time they are first registered as a probationary graduate student or candidate in the Master's program. Candidates in the thesis-based route must have completed all requirements within four years of the time they are first registered.
205.36.5 The Degree of MLIS
Program Requirements
The minimum requirement for the MLIS degree is either
39 in graduate courses and a thesis, or
48 in graduate courses and a capping exercise. Students may, with approval, include up to
9 offered by a department other than the School of Library and Information Studies.
The following courses are required for both the thesis and course-based routes of the MLIS program: LIS 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 508 and
6 from the approved Information Technology courses (see SLIS website for current offerings). LIS 501 is normally a prerequisite for the rest of the program. LIS 597 (or equivalent) is a requirement in the thesis route of the MLIS program.
Credit for courses taken elsewhere may be granted as transfer credit by the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, on the recommendation of the School of Library and Information Studies. Contact the School for details.
205.36.6 The Degrees of MA/MLIS
The School of Library and Information Studies and the Humanities Computing Program offer a combined MA in Humanities Computing/MLIS program that students can complete within three years. Students pursuing the combined degree must take
12 in required Humanities Computing courses (HUCO 500, 510, 520, and 530) and
6 in Humanities Computing options. They must also take
21 in required Library and Information Studies courses: LIS 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 508 and 597) and
6 in LIS options. The MLIS requirement to complete
6 from a list of designated Information Technology courses is fulfilled by content covered in the Humanities Computing courses. Students are strongly encouraged to take the required Humanities Computing courses during their first year. Students must also complete a thesis. The student's thesis committee should normally include faculty members from both programs.
Students wishing to apply for the combined degree need only complete one online application form by selecting "MA/MLIS" as the program. The application will be received by both programs. Students must satisfy the entrance requirements for both programs. Administrators of the two programs will consult regarding admission to the combined degree.
Length of Program
A full-time student who is registered for the MLIS program normally will be able to complete the degree requirements in two years. A full-time student who is registered for the joint MA/MLIS degree normally will be able to complete the degree requirements in three years.
205.36.7 The MBA/MLIS Combined Program
The School of Library and Information Studies and the Faculty of Business offer a program of combined study which enables students to earn both the MBA and MLIS degrees after three calendar years of full-time study or six years of part-time study. Students in the online offering of the MLIS program are not eligible for the combined MBA/MLIS program.
Each student must complete a Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research application form which will be received by both programs. A letter indicating the intention to apply to the MBA/MLIS program including a statement of the applicant's background and interests should also be enclosed. During, and up to the completion of the first year in the MLIS program, students will have the option to apply to the combined MBA/MLIS program.
Entrance Requirements
Students wishing to apply for the MBA/MLIS combined program need only complete one online application form by selecting "MBA/MLIS" as the program. The application will be received by both programs. Students must satisfy the entrance requirements for both programs. Administrators of the two programs will consult regarding admission to the combined degree. There is limited enrolment and the entrance process is competitive.
Program Requirements
The course requirements are normally as follows:
First Year
24 in LIS (including
15 in required courses excluding LIS 504 and up to
6 in required Information Technology courses (see SLIS website for current offerings) and / or up to
6 credits in electives)
Second year
30 MBA required courses
Third year
15 MBA (one required course SMO 641 and four electives)
12 MLIS (LIS electives and up to one Information Technology course)
Academic Standing
Respective academic standing provisions for each program apply. Students taking the MBA/MLIS program must meet each program’s academic standing requirements. If a student withdraws from one of the degree programs or is required to withdraw because of unsatisfactory academic standing, but wishes to remain in the other degree program, the student may be permitted to continue the program of study in which the student retains good academic standing.
Length of Program
A full-time student who is registered for the combined MBA/MLIS program normally will be able to complete the degree requirements in three years. Students may undertake the combined program on a part-time basis. The duration of the total program must not exceed six consecutive calendar years.
205.36.8 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject headings Library and Information Studies (LIS).