Graduate Programs
205.4 Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
13-15 Tory Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4
E-mail: anthgrad@ualberta.ca
205.4.1 General Information
The Department of Anthropology offers the Master of Arts (thesis-based), Master of Arts in Humanities Computing (thesis-based) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Students contemplating graduate work in Anthropology should direct their inquiries to the Associate Chair (Graduate Programs) of the Department.
If you wish to be considered by the Department for nomination for a recruitment scholarship, a completed application is due November 15.
Deadline for receipt of completed applications for admission is January 5.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's minimum admission requirements are
For the MA programs (thesis-based), a four-year undergraduate degree with a grade point average of 3.3 in the last | |
For the PhD program, a thesis based master's degree; and a grade point average of 3.3 in the last |
Where applicable (refer to §203.2.4), candidates must have a minimum satisfactory score on one of the following approved English language examinations in order to be considered for admission: TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 88 (internet-based); MELAB score of 85; IELTS overall band score of 6.5; CAEL overall score of 60 with at least 60 on each subtest; PTE overall score of 59.
Financial Assistance
Graduate teaching and research assistantships and a number of scholarships are available to qualified students.
205.4.2 The Degree of MA
Program Requirements
In addition to satisfying the general requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, candidates for the MA degree must complete the following:
Four | |
Two |
Specific courses taken to meet these requirements must be chosen in consultation with the student's supervisor and the Associate Chair. The normal course load is three courses in each of the Fall and Winter terms of the first year.
During the course of their program, MA students will be required to attend two two-hour Professional Development Seminars offered by the Department.
In addition to the course requirements, candidates must prepare an acceptable MA thesis according to Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research regulations and Department expectations. Candidates must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the examining committee proficiency in the handling of any research tools, such as statistics or a foreign language, necessary for the MA thesis.
Residence requirements are met upon the completion of two terms of full-time attendance at the University (
Length of Program
Normally, two years of study and research are necessary to complete the requirements for the degree of MA within a four-year time limit (§203.11). The Degree of MA in Humanities Computing
Program Requirements
In addition to satisfying the general requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, candidates for the MA degree must complete the following.
Three | |
Four | |
Two option courses |
It is normally expected that students will take two Humanities Computing courses and one course in Anthropology in each of the first three terms, and complete their thesis in the fourth term. Specific courses to meet these requirements must be chosen in consultation with the student’s supervisor and the Associate Chair. Successful progress through the program depends on satisfaction of both Anthropology and Humanities Computing. (§205.32)
During the course of their program, MA students will be required to attend two two-hour Professional Development Seminars offered by the Department.
It is normally expected that a representative of both Anthropology and the Humanities Computing program will sit on the thesis supervisory committee.
In addition to course requirements, candidates must prepare an acceptable MA thesis according to the FGSR regulations (§) and Department expectations. Candidates must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the examining committee proficiency in the application of any research tools necessary for the MA thesis.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the MA in Humanities Computing may vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of research undertaken; however, the program is designed to be completed within two years.
205.4.3 The Degree of PhD
Program Requirements
Students entering the PhD program must have completed an MA for which a written thesis is a requirement. Applicants must successfully defend their MA thesis by August 31 of the admission year and meet the Fall convocation deadline of their university. Failure to provide the University of Alberta with notification of the MA thesis defense by August 1 of the admission year can negate the offer of admission. | |
Residence requirements are those of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (§203.6)—a minimum of two years. Provisional PhD candidates must enrol in three | |
During the course of their program, PhD students will be required to attend two two-hour Professional Development Seminars offered by the Department. | |
In accordance with Faculty regulations, a supervisory committee will be struck as soon as possible. This supervisory committee will formulate a program of advanced study and research and will require demonstration of proficiency in any research tools necessary for writing the thesis. | |
The Department does not have a universal language requirement for the doctoral program; however, it is recognized that there are areas of research within the Department that may require knowledge of an additional language (or languages). The need for additional language skills will be decided between the doctoral student and supervisor as part of the planning of the student’s program, and will be reviewed by the Associate Chair (Graduate Programs). | |
Prior to the candidacy examination, the student must submit a satisfactory research proposal that will lead to production of a thesis of publishable quality based on original advanced research and theoretical interpretation. | |
According to Faculty regulations (§204.1.4) the student shall pass an oral candidacy examination in subjects relevant to the general field of research. Normally the candidacy examination shall be held at the end of the second year or the beginning of the third year. | |
The dissertation shall be examined by a committee, the composition of which is specified in Faculty regulations (§204.4). | |
The final PhD examination will include a public lecture followed by a closed oral examination. |
Length of Program
The time limit for completing the PhD degree is a maximum of six years from the date of first registration in the program.
205.4.4 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject heading Anthropology (ANTHR).