Graduate Programs
Medical Genetics
205.40 Medical Genetics
Department of Medical Genetics
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
839 Medical Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H7
E-mail: mggradpr@ualberta.ca
205.40.1 General Information
The Department of Medical Genetics offers the MSc in Medical Sciences (Medical Genetics) degree (see §205.42) either as part of a postgraduate training program for post-MD applicants or as an independent degree program for those proceeding from a BSc. The PhD degree is granted through the Medical Sciences program (see §205.42.3). Research may be carried out in a variety of medical genetics-related disciplines for which staff in the Department have active research programs. Inquiries should be directed to the Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Medical Genetics.
Entrance Requirements
The Department's normal requirements for admission of graduate students are those of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research but stipulating a minimum of 3.2 or equivalent GPA during each of the previous two years of university and proof of English language proficiency, where applicable (see §203.2.4).
Financial Assistance
Students who are accepted into the graduate program will receive a minimum level of support from their supervisor of $20,500 per annum after all tuition and fees are paid. Students are encouraged to apply for studentships from external agencies. Students may also be eligible for awards from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Limited financial assistance toward tuition costs is normally available from the Department, but not guaranteed from year to year.
205.40.2 The Degree of MSc
Program Description
The general description for the MSc in Medical Sciences (Medical Genetics) is as presented for all MSc programs in Medical Sciences (see §205.42.2).
205.40.3 The Degree of PhD
Program Description
The general description for the PhD in Medical Sciences (Medical Genetics) is as presented for all PhD programs in Medical Sciences (see §205.42.2).