Graduate Programs
205.46 Music
Department of Music
3-82 Fine Arts
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2C9
Phone: (780) 492-3263
Fax: (780) 492-9246
E-mail: musicgs@ualberta.ca
205.46.1 General Information
The Department of Music offers programs leading to the degrees of Master of Arts, PhD, Master of Music, and Doctor of Music. The MA and PhD include work in the areas of Musicology, Music Theory, Ethnomusicology, and interdisciplinary music studies. Areas of concentration within the MMus program include Applied Music (keyboard instruments, piano pedagogy, orchestral instruments, wind band conducting, and voice), Choral Conducting, and Composition. The DMus program is offered in piano and organ performance, in choral conducting, and in composition, and is considered on an individual basis for applicants in other performance areas.
Application forms, brochures, and further information can be obtained from the Department of Music website, address above. To receive full consideration for funding and to be assured of an audition date, all applications supporting documentation, including transcripts, composition portfolios, writing samples, and recorded audition materials (in programs for which they are acceptable) must be received by December 1. For further information email queries to musicgs@ualberta.ca.
Financial Assistance
Graduate assistantships are available within the Department; the deadline for application for graduate assistantships is outlined on the department’s website, address above.
205.46.2 The Degrees of MA and MMus
Entrance Requirements
The Department's minimum admission requirements are a BMus degree with an average of 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate work (or graduate work) at the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution, and where applicable, satisfactory completion of English language proficiency prior to admission (see §203.2.4). In the case of the MA an Honors BA or equivalent is acceptable in place of the BMus. An audition, preferably in person, is required as part of the admission procedure for applicants in Applied Music and Choral Conducting; sample papers must be submitted by applicants to the MA, and a portfolio of compositions (together with recordings if possible) by applicants in Composition. Applicants must also submit a one-page statement of purpose.
Program Requirements
The MMus program in Performance consists of
24, including MUSIC 505, 621 or 632, 639 (or 631 for Wind Band Conducting majors) and
12 in music options,
3 of which must be a course in which a major research paper is required. All MMus Performance students specializing in band or orchestral instruments (not including Wind Band Conducting majors) are required to participate in a large ensemble for one year (MUSIC 641). All MMus students in organ performance may complete
3 in an approved music option in lieu of MUSIC 639. Of the music option courses, up to
6 may be taken in a Department other than Music, subject to approval by the student's supervisor. A juried recital will be considered the equivalent of the final oral examination.
The MMus program in Composition consists of
24, including MUSIC 545 or 645, 581, 651, 660, 661 and
6 in music options. Students who have not taken at least
3 in electronic music (or equivalent) in their undergraduate training will be required to take MUSIC 445 outside of the program requirements. A portfolio of works composed and performed during the student's course of study in the MMus program must be presented to a jury and will be considered the equivalent of a thesis. At the discretion of the supervisor, students who have not taken a bibliography and research methods course (or equivalent) will be required to take Music 505 as one of the approved options.
The MMus program in Choral Conducting consists of
24 including MUSIC 630, 633, 634, 638, 640, and
6 in music options. In addition, a juried recital and an essay on some aspect of choral literature, conducting or pedagogy will be considered the equivalent of the thesis and final oral examination. At the discretion of the supervisor, students who have not taken a bibliography and research methods course (or equivalent) will be required to take Music 505 as one of the approved options.
There are two programs available to the student admitted to the MA. Students must declare which program they intend to follow at the beginning of their graduate studies. Any student wishing to change program must seek the approval of the graduate committee.
Thesis-based MA: The thesis-based program consists of a minimum of eight graduate-level courses ( | |
Course-based MA: The course-based program consists of a minimum of nine graduate-level courses ( |
In addition to the above requirements, MUSIC 505 may be required of entering students in both program routes if they have not demonstrated competency in bibliographic and research-methods skills in their previous studies.
All MA and MMus Choral Conducting students are required to demonstrate a reading knowledge of French or German, or another language other than English, appropriate to the area of research and approved by the student's supervisor. This requirement will normally be completed before the thesis or capping project is undertaken. In the case of the MMus Choral Conducting, this requirement will normally be completed before the essay is undertaken. Coursework undertaken to satisfy this requirement will not be credited toward the program.
The minimum period of residence for the MA (thesis-based) and the MMus degree is two four-month terms of full-time attendance at the University of Alberta.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the program will vary according to the previous training of the applicant and the nature of the research undertaken; however, a minimum of two years is normally required.
205.46.3 The Degree of DMus
Entrance Requirements
The entrance requirement is an MMus degree or equivalent and evidence of outstanding ability and accomplishment in the area of specialization, and where applicable, satisfactory completion of English language proficiency prior to admission (see §203.2.4).
Program Requirements
The Degree of DMus has three separate program streams: Performance, Choral Conducting and Composition. Programs of study for DMus students will be formulated by the Department according to individual need; however,
30 to
36 are normally required. Candidates will be required to take at least
3 of graduate-level theory, ordinarily selected from MUSIC 555, 556, or 581, and
3 of graduate-level musicology.
DMus students will be required to demonstrate reading proficiency in one approved language other than English before being admitted to candidacy. Coursework undertaken to satisfy this requirement will not be credited toward the program.
Students in the DMus program in Performance are required to present three juried recitals: normally a solo recital, a collaborative recital and a lecture recital
All DMus programs require qualifying and candidacy examinations, normally taken at the end of the second, or beginning of the third year. Examination requirements are different for each area of study.
In lieu of a formal dissertation, DMus candidates in Performance will carry out a project comprising three components: a solo final recital; a compact disc recording of the final solo program, submitted prior to the performance of the final recital; and comprehensive scholarly notes accompanying the compact disc.
In lieu of a formal dissertation, DMus candidates in Choral Conducting will write a scholarly essay and present two public concerts.
In lieu of a formal dissertation, DMus candidates in Composition will write a scholarly essay and compose one substantial work either for large acoustic ensemble, mixed acoustic and electroacoustic media, or electroacoustic media.
The final examination for the DMus degree in Performance will include a defence of the solo final recital and CD; the final examination for the DMus degree in Choral Conducting will include a defence of the essay and the required performances; the final examination for the DMus degree in Composition will include a defence of the composition.
In addition to the regulations outlined above, the general regulations for the PhD degree stated in §204.1.4 also apply.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the program will vary with the individual candidate; however, a minimum of three years of study and research is normally required.
205.46.4 The Degree of PhD
Entrance Requirements
The entrance requirement is an MA or MMus degree or equivalent and evidence of outstanding ability and accomplishment in the area of specialization, and where applicable, satisfactory completion of English language proficiency prior to admission (see §203.2.4). Applicants who hold a BMus or BA (Hon) in Music must complete the core of courses relevant to the MA.
Program Requirements
Courses of study for PhD students will be formulated by the Department according to individual need; however, at least
18 will be required, including MUSIC 699. MUSIC 699, Directed Research, involves the preparation of a potentially publishable essay, in an area distinct from that addressed in the dissertation. Students who have completed a master's thesis may be exempt from this requirement if the student's supervisory committee determines that the thesis is acceptable as a substitute. All course work must be completed prior to the qualifying and candidacy examinations.
Students are required to demonstrate proficiency in two approved languages other than English appropriate to the area of research and approved by the student's supervisory committee. Ordinarily one of those languages will be French or German. Course work undertaken to satisfy this requirement will not be credited toward the program. Any language proficiency established in the course of previous graduate work will be credited toward this requirement. Students must satisfy the language requirement prior to the qualifying (written) and candidacy (oral) examinations.
Once the student has successfully completed the candidacy examination, the student may begin the dissertation. The dissertation requirement concludes with an oral examination of the completed document.
In addition to the regulations outlined above, the general regulations for the PhD degree stated in §204.1.4 also apply.
The minimum period of residence is two academic years of full-time attendance at the University of Alberta.
Length of Program
The time required to complete the program will vary with the individual candidate; however, a minimum of three years of study and research is normally required.
205.46.5 Graduate Courses
Graduate courses can be found in §231, Course Listings, under the subject heading Music (MUSIC). In addition, the following undergraduate courses are available for graduate credit: MUSIC 321, 322, 403, 404, 413, 433, 434, 445, 501, 502, 505, 507, 508, 525, 533, 534, 535, 542, 545, 555, 556, 570, 571.